Yvonne Nelson sends message to her ‘missing’ dad

Yvonne Nelson

Fri, 13 Oct 2023 Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Yvonne Nelson's longing to meet her biological father has grown stronger as she reaches the age of 37, all the while never having had the chance to know him.

With the hope of finally reuniting with him one day, the actress keeps her fingers crossed, patiently waiting for her father to reach out, especially since her mother has declined to reveal his identity.

In her heartfelt tweet on October 12, 2023, the actress who doubles as a movie producer expressed her deep yearning for her father's presence in her life.

With a sense of anticipation, Yvonne Nelson conveyed her enduring patience and profound desire to connect with her biological father, as she continues to wait for the call that she hopes will one day bridge the gap between them.

“Father, DAD, I’m still waiting for your call,” the tweet read.

The mystery surrounding who Yvonne Nelson’s biological father is.

Revelations in a memoir written by Yvonne Nelson rocked the entertainment industry in Ghana and even Africa following its release on Sunday, June 19, 2023.

In the said book titled ‘I Am Not Yvonne Nelson’, the filmmaker disclosed how she conducted a series of DNA tests in the quest to unravel the identity of her real father, after Mr. Okoe Nelson, the man whose surname she bears turned out not to be her father.

According to her, these tests were conducted after her mother, on separate occasions, provided her with the names of men who, according to her mother, were her biological father.

In chapter twenty-two of her book, Yvonne shared a poignant account of her last communication with her mother, which took place on her birthday in 2022.

When Yvonne inquired about her father, her mother reportedly accused her of attempting to bring shame, citing a dream she had witnessed.

“She burst into a tirade of accusation and abuse. She told me she knew I was up to something. She said she had dreamt that I would disgrace her, and what was unfolding that morning was not new to her. I was not going to fall for any form of emotional blackmail and I made her know it. I told her she probably knew I would search and find answers beyond her words.

“To dream about it meant her God was talking to her, I told her. It was the reason she should tell me the truth so that we both bring closure to the subject. She was not ready to listen to me. The tirade continued, even after I reminded her that I had not come there to fight, the reason I came with Bible verses.

“I wanted us to talk like a mother and daughter, like two mature human beings who respected each other and saw the need to find a solution that was available. The solution was in her bosom,” she revealed.

Yvonne Nelson continued by saying that it had been more than a year since her last encounter with her mother and that their only communication had been a fleeting WhatsApp message, such as when she wished her a happy birthday.

She disclosed, “It has been more than a year since I saw my mother. Our last communication was on my birthday in 2022. She sent me a WhatsApp message wishing me a happy birthday: ‘Happy birthday my love. May the God of heaven continue to bless you in all your endeavors in Jesus' name. Enjoy your day to the fullest."'

Yvonne Nelson added that she responded by saying her mother would have told her who her biological father was if she indeed loved her as a daughter.

Source: www.ghanaweb.com
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