Zongo men are super powerful and last longer in bed – Health expert tells ladies

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Sat, 13 Oct 2018 Source: fnnewsonline.com

A renowned Food Nutritionist Dr Sammy Joshua has shockingly revealed that among all the tribes in Ghana, Zongo men are very strong in bed.

In an interview on Kumasi-based Oyerepa Fm, Dr Sammy Joshua said that Zongo men last longer in bed than the other tribes in the country.

According to him, Zongo men from the northern part of Ghana are naturally good in bed because of the kinds of food they eat and their daily activities.

He also noted that Zongo men do not drink alcohol which weakens the human body.

He boldly said; “It is very difficult for a Northerner (people of Zongo communities) to complain of low sperm count. This is because they eat a lot of natural foods and enjoy freshly leaves as well. They eat grains and leaves.

That is why Northerners have no or limited problems related to infertility. Dr Sammy Joshuah told Nana Jantuah on Oyerepa Breakfast Show.

He further stated that;

“again most people from the North are Muslims and Muslim by their religion (Islam) preach against alcohol. Because most of them do not drink alcohol or strong drink they hardly face problems of low sperm count”

Source: fnnewsonline.com
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