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There is a popular saying in Akan which translates loosely as 'when your people are attacking you spiritually, you claim women want to have sexx with you'. Even if women solicits for sex from you, you are matured and intellec ...
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What a childish and imatured garbage spilling out from a so called politician or comedian
Some women want to sleep with me so vote for me ! What a PIG !! Only an NDC thief turned politician will talk like that
Kwasia Oprege,where in what u read did he say women wants to sleep with him so they should vote for him?I don't blame idiotic personify as yourself,i blame persons like John who also are a little stupid and attention seeking, ...
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He says he is a farmer. He says he is a lawyer. But those of us who had internet those days know that he is a V8 who took his car to a mechanic to change the serial number. PAPA JULOR
Ooh yes,A V8 thief vrs Npp Excavators thieves,come and give out the results.
Such a disgraceful character to his wife, NDC and Ghana.
@boby I love what you said
So I just watched the entir interview, and to be fair to John Dumelo, this interview with Joslyn Dumas was done many years ago, before he even got married,...why Joslyn is releasing the video now is something I don't understa ...
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It's a lie. It's a current interview so stop throwing dust into people's eyes. In any case, whether he said it 10 years ago or 5 years or today, it's John Dumelo who said that and no one else. Period. You damage control gimmi ...
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Exactly. Nowadays people don'n t just carefully what to say. Shame on Domelo
Bobby, don't forget that he comes from the NDC stock of nincompoops.
This buffoon calls himself a politician.
Mr Dumelo, you're bigger thank this rubbish! You've got bigger fish to fry so stop hanging out with these borlabirds.
John is not a fool. He answered a question put to him. Stop ur spirituality shit.
And so what?
You haven’t watched the entire conversation and you are throwing jabs at him. He’s handsome and cute so naturally woman will make advances on him. Are you jealous. W’aka w’aka!
Jealous for what he said and the guy want to go to parliament
luk at dis gud for nothing fool too....
And just like John mahama s hollow 24hr slogan….that's Domedo s his campaign message.
Am very sure these are NDC and Kasoa girls who want to sleep with u
Save the stress now. Remotely open your home gate or industrial gate with your phone anywhere. Make your life easier with Justrac SMART GATE MOTORS to open and close your gates the smart way. Visit: L6 ...
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They will ruin your life for you.
You are a good looking man but not the only one with that kind of requests. Enough.
You think parliament is for fools like.this? Tweaa
Please never again oga
John, this is no news. I’m not too handsome like you are. However, I carry myself with respect and panache. I respect every self-respecting woman I encounter. You would not believe how many women say they find me mature and ...
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Dear God kindly keep child brains like dumelo from our parliament, even though others like him are already there laughing and turning their chairs round like kindergarten school children
The will chop your destiny of becoming MP and live you in limbo
Look at this mumu gyemie saa Ofui and he wants to be a parliamentarian nonsense mumu kwasia kwa keep quiet
KWASIA MAN like you.
John! U hv disappointed me totally with this ur loose talk bcuz real men don't disclouse something like this.
So what should we do,Is this news all? Something's are better kept to one's self not made public.
You are still full of showbiz, not yet matured enough for national politics. You think its just a popularity contest. What an undignified thing to say about oneself. If they can say such things in your face to tivlke your eg ...
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Sign of immaturity and wants to be an MP. Tweea
Cheap, stupid and opportunistic married guy
Because they trust that you can steal V8 for them.
Gyimii,go them,son of a bitch,disgraceful nonentity.
Is this one too a thing to say. Women tell everyman thire intentions if they love them
Lord we have enough pf such people in parliament. Listen o our prayers of a reduction in the number of such people. Lesson our burden and don't add this guy to the number. Our yoke is too heavy
Fa wagyimi firi ho Ayigbe nii Aboa
What about men and goats?
If that will solve our debt problems, why not? Go ahead and sleep with them. Everybody is a comedian in Ghana!
No fool like an old fool.
This guy is proving himself to be an old fool.
Is this news? This is happening to a lot of men and women. This is immature statement no matter what the question put to is. Any man or woman married or not want to sleep with someone. RUBBISH!!! You want to make yourself rel ...
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He was just telling the truth about his experiences. He didn't say he consented to any of those advances. Isn't it the truth that he possibly has so many female admirers who might not have self control & may try to "cross" li ...
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Many Ghanaian women are whores in disguise, some are cheap like the current Ghana economy under the akpeku addoe
You are full of yourself.
"cassanova of the ghetto"
Little does he even know that they just don’t want to sleep with him but wants to know the size of his prick some will turn him down even in the middle of opening their legs should they find out that it’s not as big as th ...
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So what? Dumelo, get a life. Can't stoop so low to such cyber bullshit if you aspire to be a political leader. You're no better than the many Ghanaian men and women who receive advances every day, and these Ghanaian men and w ...
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And so what? This is what you will do when you are appointed as a Parliamentarian because you will come out to tell of what some people will tell you. You cant keep thos single issue in your mind and you come out to tell the ...
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Mumu man
This guy want to disgrace women’s
Stupid, John, what is so special about you? Lies
Efo V8 guess that's your claim to fame.grow up
Wagyimi paa
We humans and our society are so much more complex than how some people see it.
In political organization, even churches some men and women go there or become members with the intention of finding a partner.
So, what John ...
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He's screwed himself with this immature comment!Lost the plot and any shot at being an MP! You've . Messed up bro!!!
Dumelo represents all that our stupid president J Airbus Mahama lived for. Stealing state assets and giving to cronies. Dumelo should be prosecuted rather than contesting to sit at our august house. Mahama left Ghana broke wi ...
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V8 thief. Do they know that you are a theif?
Stupid and irresponsible statement coming from someone who wants to be an MP.
Maybe to use you as a sex toy
Mr. Dumelo is seeking to win a seat in Parliament after he 'narrowly' failed in the last election. It is therefore surprising for him to put forward such cheap garbage talk in ...
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And I thought he was level headed, who gives a fk if women find you attractive that no big deal. You don’t wear this as a badge of honor and toot it in the media. Men find men attractive all the time you’re not all and a ...
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Eeii, saa? Lucky you, boy.
Why do you think they want to sleep with you?
Be careful and try and control your appetite. NPP will send them to capture your nudeness which they will use against you. A word to the wise is enough.
They want to sleep with you,, and so what??? Kwasiato!!
SO WHAT???????
The devil is blessing you.Be wise.He,s after your soul