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There is no quotation, but a wise woman would get married, unless no one wants to marry her, or she hasn't found the right man, but a wise woman would get married!!!
True's the curse God placed on women in the b part of the curse in Genesis...that "her desire shall always be for the man and he shall rule over her". That's why women will continue to desire marriage no matter thei ...
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@Nana aba, there is no where in the bible that says a woman should but u can't sleep without a dick. Foolish b3333
Idiot you think dick is everything to women. There are many women in this world who have never had sex in their life.
There are sooooo many dicks which has never entered into a pushy before mmmttccheeewww
@Nana aba, there is no where in the bible that says a woman should but u can't sleep without a dick. Foolish b3333
Foolish girl Nana Abaa so called. That is why you're all chasing people's husband right from the day of their weddings. Snatching them and living your fake celebrity lives. How can you go MC in Henry Fritz wedding the same ni ...
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Madam, you may not know this but marriage is the joy and pride of every woman. There's no single woman alive who doesn't want to have 2 band of rings on her finger. Even call girls wish to have their shame to be covered by th ...
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Yes Bible Talks About Marriage and the need for all to marry to become one flesh. And Bible Condemns Sex Before Marriage
It’s good God made you u wud do some paaa...little being
Yes nana aba. The bible didn't say marriage but said every lady should have a man to call a partner
No one cares about you
Marriage is scam. Just have when you want it
Marriage is scam. Just have sex when you want it
And goto hell, a lot of you will be shocked to realise Heaven and Hell are real. Just keep having sex outside marriage and see how it goes. Goodluck journeyman!
where in the Bible did it says " someone's husband?" ashawoo hi-grade!!!!
The arrogance is now getting out of hand.
Charle, marriage for a woman is a badge of honour. To be married means more than she knows. But then who do you expect from a born one girl that got pregnant by a tranny as a teenager. I think she is struggling with a lot. An ...
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contuene you ashawo and it will end you good
Yes, Nana aba Anamoah chapter 4:8
She conveniently skipped the part that talked about fornication. Encouraging people to get married if they can't resist their sexual temptation/"edges". BTW, we don't care, the rest of the world have written off Nana Aba on t ...
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Girls SP
She's Big pimpin spend the G's. We doin, big pimpin', we spendin' G's
Check em out now
Big pimpin', on B.L.A.D.'s
We doin big pimpin' up in N.Y.C.
It's just that Jigga Man, Pimp C, and B-U-N-B
Yo yo yo, big p ...
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Sad that such women as these have be one negative influence on the girl child. Why do the system praise these women and snub the real morale ones. Because the leaders of the system patronize these dirty women. God protect our ...
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My admirer Nana Aba ,should read 1st corinthians 7:1-10
How I wish those who don't live by the bible refrain from citing it for their purposes. Well, lest she and people who reason like her appear wise in their own conceit, I'd take the pain to let her know the only alternative to ...
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1 Corinthians 7:2 (KJV) Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.
Case close
Is shameful that a woman can boldly say she is not married but she is not single...if u are not married but not single are you not fornicating? At the age of above 40, closer to your grave, u ar still going around fornicating ...
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Idiot! But you guys say you will not marry. It's those jonky and skirt wearing guys that will keep knacking and videoing you. You nana aba is a very bad influence on that serwaa girl. I pity you guys
She’s right about Marriage not been a necessity but be prepared to be a celibate because sex is outside marriage will definitely land you in Hell.
Borlaweb adding “is” to nonsense my comment lol God is watching.
@anonymous she is not right at all. But I understand becos most people think that everything should be written black and white then you can say its in the Bible. If indeed you are a student of the Bible you will come to the r ...
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Why in the bible did it say go to church on Sundays? Don't you go to church on Sundays? Aboa ba!
Jeremiah 29:6 New International Version (NIV)
Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not de ...
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Yes madam nana Aba..God has ordered humans to be married and procreate..God don’t want bastard kids..It’s an order from God..marry and procreate on earth..So how do u think humans will procreate on earth? Through prostitu ...
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Osebor should have married you.
God gave the Bible to His children.expect you become one, there is nothing you can understand in the bible.All those who have removed their Bible names, are not finding things easy.
I think tv3 did well by sacking this useless fake thing.
No, Madam.
But there a lot verses in the Bible that talk against sexual immorality.
Is there any portion in the bible that says unmarried women should go sleeping with men for cash.
I like you a lot but this is a stupid question coming from you
This is ignorance. Did the same bible talked about Adam and Eve and were they married or dating. What is marriage.
What has the Bible got to do with it? Africans using a foreign traditional concepts book to measure their stands in Africa.
No hope for us!!!
Gentleman Seth, there's every proof that the Bible is God's guide for mankind including you and not for any group of people. There are a lot of blacks used to pen down portions of the Bible. In the Bible it is written that Go ...
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That is what they say if no man is prepared to take them to the altar. Her story will change if she get one. Too known girl
Who wil marry this anyway?
Good name is better than riches!
Nana Aba, I hope you don't regret..because there's a guy called "Age," will definitely catch up with you. In fact, that's when you are fortunate. Because sleeping around has another negative ...
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Look at her basabasa face. Silly girl. Spits!
People should leave these prostitutes alone after all there are no stupid and foolish men to peronise them they will repent and get married. Lets stop giving them attention and discuss more serious matters of life.
I've lost respect for this girl
You gave no one a chance...
Stop using the Bible to camouflage your pants down..... caught in flagrante delicto...
You are just a galamseyer of leather sticks.. park
twe ffi
Nkwasia Ns3m saa na ade akye
It seems there is no more news in the country
Poor souls
No, there's no verse in the Bible like that. But there're verses for Ashawo women.
Henry Fitz has blown covers.
This ashawo grandmama must be stopped now because she is now recruiting little fine girls in the name of interviews and their parents are watching. Those kids will soon grow to continue her business that she has recruited Ser ...
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Hmmm, and who said the bible gives you the right to have sex outside marriage or be fucking around , if is not a force to marriage????
I agree with her that marriage is not for everyone. In fact we do not see Nana Aba Anamoah as marriage material because it is not possible to make a loose chick like her a wife.
Oh, hmmmmmm, As3m oh
Infact it is a yes. Inorder not for young ladies like you to be engaging in prostitution and pimping other like minded ladies to men you have to marry Nana Aba. There is nothing dignifying about a young lady having sex with e ...
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Since you used the Bible let me add one last point. The Bible does not also allow you to sleep around. So stop it and stop d
Ok estroying young ladies like Serwaa Amihere, Sandra Ankobiah etc by giving them to young man to s ...
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For once I agree with her
People should stop paying attention to this PUBLIC LATRINE laaa. Cheap townhelper spits bebree!
And where in the bible is it okay to be sleeping around and pimping girls just to furnish your house and live the lavish lifestyle
Wu twe abreh abaah
Just say your side hustle is ashawo
I wonder why Ghanaians always quote the Bible, even in Parliament. All what is written in the Bible are stories for christian believers. The Bible was written by non-eyewithnesses. So there are no real evidence of what it co ...
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No wonder Nana Aba plays with sex toys and supports LGBTQI+++ movement. If your mother didn't marry would she have had you Nana Aba?
I wonder these small small so-called celebrities are incorrigible. Anyways you have a son ...
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Stop funking around for money and get a good man.....stop fooling and get a man .......a good one of course....and stop pimping serwaaa okay....thxs
Nana Aba if its not in the bible why answer your critic's. Shovle it off n continue ur life.When the time comes in life that u r ask to bring ur husband for any other purpose then u refer to the bible.U talk as if ur not from ...
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Once the Bible is against having sexual intercourse outside marriage is then you obviously have to get married if you want to enjoy sexual relations with a man. And only a man
You won't get married, but you will continue disturbing other women by chasing their husbands?
Yes there is every women her own husband. God does not accept immorality
1 Corinthians 7:2 (NLT) But because there is so much sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman should have her own husban ...
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Yes there is quotation.
1 Corinthians 7:2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. Yet a man or a woman both are complete without marriage or with marria ...
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Hahaha, so is there also anywhere in the Bible that a woman old enough to be a man's wife should not get married?????
If I were ever her boyfriend I would never propose marriage to her as long as I can get the from her. For she does not care for marriage according to her response that there is nowhere in the Bible that says e ...
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Daughter of mame water you need repentance