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TRACK your vehicle/motorbike with ease. With Justrac GPS Tracker one can Shutdown engine remotely, Real-time tracking, Voice monitoring, playback route (all by your phone) etc. PRICE: GHS750. Visit: for ...
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It's not easy anywhere...Dear idle, unemployed bro, a skill is your major capital to trade for cash - no more or less. Learn how to DO SOMETHING - that's your ticket out of lack & want. This business opportunity for you or a ...
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That's why we don't expect you Village folks to make stupid comments anytime the Government is tasked to do the right thing. With this few days of your stay , learn or observe things and convey message to your other village f ...
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You are jealous of kumasi people. You are really jealous of kumasi. If you ask me what are you jealous of I will have no clue but all I hear is any one who comments about anything kurasisem is accused of being jealous of asan ...
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@you who called yourself akim, yes he comes from kumasi, but these so called villagers and forest people are not lazy and gullible like you sons and daughters of fish folks, they don't fight over government appointments and p ...
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How much do you make a day
You over spend the little money you get and start complaining people need to learn how to budget buy your food in bulk and don't eat out everyday stay home and watch TV and go out on weekends if you can
Do you feed the people around you?
Instead of cooking for yourself at home you prefer to eat at restaurants, drinking bore hole water you will buy voltic, bro blame yourself sometimes.
Because u are in the city that is why Kumasi y3 Akurase Hahaha!!!