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What at all can I listen to people who don't respect our culture.If you're not married that's your business but don't tell people not to marry and we should sleep with who? You see, they're indirectly telling us to cool off ...
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Another failed politician..Talking rubbish 24/7.. Please explain why u have failed as a government appointee..
You mean to turned all our sisters and daughters to born ones or two without marrying them because marriage didn't favor men?
A bad marriage is bad marriage,if your marriage is bad leave it than to use to advice all men to p ...
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Our airspace is becoming a nuisance now. We should encourage people to be irresponsible. They should give birth with ladies when they are not married to them and then you stupidly add the Bible to it. Quote scripture well. As ...
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Bishop Dag in one of his sermons, in my Asset Mgt. mind summed up the one reason Christian should consider married, his reason is that because of the security the institution provides people become auto. wealthy