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Ghanaians cook better than Zoogerians
Hello youth of Ghana. You can take your own life with medicine......for instance 10 paracetamol at once.......or combine medicine and akpeteshie or weedicide.
I guess without our beautiful Ghana, that zoo Nigeria is totally useless..U hardly see any Ghanaian traveling to zoo Nigeria because Thee is too much kidnappings and killings but it seems the dream of every Zoogerian is to tr ...
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Goto Lagos and see the population of poor wretched Ghanaians. From Ashanti to GAs all lined up in the poorest hood of Nigeria because they can not afford a decent environment in Nigeria. So keep lying to your miserable self b ...
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It is arrogance to say ghana is usa of nigeria. Nigerians love all west africa countries and we are everywhere in the world.
Learn to praise other as you praise yourself.
Hehehe I know the village Ghanaians love our approval. But sorry to burst your bubble because Ghana fufu is just a beginning of where Naija food comes in so you less traveled filthy Ghanaians should be quiet due to your less ...
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