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Hello youth of Ghana. You can take your own life with medicine......for instance 10 paracetamol at once.....or combine medicine and akpeteshie or weedicide.
You idiot, when are you going to serve yourself a dose of your own prescription, so that people can be rid of a vermin like you? Haba, don't you know anything apart from this stupid suicidal ideation?! Commot 4 there!!
Motherland, please don't worry. I believe he's quoting from the Bible.
Mark 16:17-18
“These are some of the signs that will accompany believers: They will throw out demons in my name, they will speak in new tongues, the ...
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@Mr. Smith, you have made my day paaaa. Hahahaha!!!
Thank God I can sue Ghana web for this post on their websites. If they are not going anything about this is about time I will teach them sense.
Kwasia take your life with 10 tablets of tramadol first
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Don't let the first quarter of the year end without skilling up? CHANGE THAT IDLE/BROKE SITUATION NOW - Popular Social media activist, VDM showed young girls fixing phones in China recently & Chukky trained many in Northern N ...
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Thanks Ambolley. That's why their songs fade away within two years. The real highlife songs are tried and tested. How many of these modern songs are played during gatherings like funeral, wedding, baby outdooring, etc?
Apart from profane lyrics what better music did this man produce? Give us a break
Amak, stop stuffing your ears with straws!! Ambolley has made an indelible mark on Ghana's music, and he's fearing that this current generation lack the ideals that can stand the test of time. So, stop deflecting the essence ...
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Motherland, I do understand where you are coming from because during his time, he sugar-coated and coded some of his words for ONLY the elderly to understand and appreciate. Unfortunately, today's young musicians are raw in t ...
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Amboley old Hippocrate. He did. same in his prime. ODWAN
Yes sir, what you are saying is correct they just make noise and shouting when they are singing, SOME OF THEM.Do you know why,cos the youth of today do not no our culture.
Okwahu, let's check the homes from which our young musicians of today come from. Their backgrounds play a crucial role in their delivery.
Mr. Woman behind hit maker shd have known by now the differences btn high life ,hip life and dancehall and so u don't expect everyone to do music to ur kinda woman behind song...l also don't think we shd be listening to woman ...
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Woman behind wetin dey der too be song...kwasianyom
Just as you destroyed Ampadu, k Gyasi, Akwaboah etc era highlife. Please dit somewhere and stop your nonsense talk.
I am just fed up with this man's music. Anytime anywhere he is called to perform you can just guess his repertoire because it's always the same old songs of his from the 80s. Can't he do any new music? His songs, dancing, dr ...
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