Miss eXcel Plus 2013

12 of 16
Godwina Naa Amerley Amaah  (Naa)

<p><B>Age</B>: 20

<p>Completed Nungua Senior High 

<p><B>Role Model</B>:: Nana Oye Lithur

<p><B>Aspiraton</B>:: To Be A Journalist

<p><B>Hobbies</B>:: Dancing And Hanging Out With Friends

<p><B>Designer</B>: Narku’s Fashion Adenta Snit Flat

Godwina Naa Amerley Amaah (Naa)

Age: 20

Completed Nungua Senior High

Role Model:: Nana Oye Lithur

Aspiraton:: To Be A Journalist

Hobbies:: Dancing And Hanging Out With Friends

Designer: Narku’s Fashion Adenta Snit Flat