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Dude, come back and retrieve this prediction.
African movies are full of fantasy and copying. Most part of the world especially the western world don't believe that your "mother" or "sister" is "doing" you.
Until we get superstition out of our movies, we are going no wh ...
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Yellow him again!!! That bedroom movies you're making with sound going up and down constantly
Aboowaa! In your dreams! ....that concert party you people are producing !?
Oooh!! I use to have some amount of respect for this guy, and then he makes a statement like this. Aahh!!!
Day dreaming.
The copy system must stop if African films is to be recognised.Your films should be like an African films.The dresses,the roads,the foods and even people who cast the films.Not you have to find a half cast or rich kids.Look ...
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keep dreaming , bastard , jokers. hahaha!!!!
Akoa wei nso wagyimi paaa.with your stupid movies how can you tk oscar. Kwasia retract your statement
Even the Afro Americans are struggling for recognition.
Please change your script to a more traditional stories then you can stand a chance otherwise forget it.
Ask this Atto guy how many European films grab Oscars? He is obviously ignorant about the American system, especially the motion picture industry.
By the way, Atta never won an Oscar. His award was from a lesser known organization. However, I have seen it in many news media outlets that he won an Oscar. Not true!
we all saw he only went on yhe oscar stage to give an award, and not to receive one. fact is a lot believe he should have been nominated for his performance so what is your problem with this claimof lesser award? Show us wh ...
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You need a miracle before that can happen.
na lie
Just fuck u, even south Americans tv series are better dan any Ghanaian shits, digital cameras videos??? U be shit waa
I give u 50 years. If its South Africa, I may agree with u. not the rest of Africa
not with the bullshit y'all put out. Sorry think again.
Lol those so called movies are more like African home.videos. what a joke!!!
Lol really! Please concentrate on your home made videos right. This guy paaa.. Anyway that's what he think folks.
Dream on
These are the guys who always go round talking as if they are some sort of stars with nothing to back it up.
Listen Mr Attoh, wearing a tux with earrings does not make you a star. It simply makes you a chap in a tux.
If we go back and act like I told u so,then maybe we can get closer.dream on body.
Why is it that we Africans seems to be so obsessed with Oscars? Do we really think Americans give a dammn about our African movies? Smh.
I will always than God for giving me the chan e to travel to western countries. These ...
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You are a mobile comedian. Were you drunk or confused during the interview. Hummmmmmmm!non transformational English talk
Apart from the Oscars which film award is the most prestigious for an actor to aspire to ? Imagine a crew of the best of the best in Africa and of African descent in a well written plot. IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING leave Chris Att ...
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YES !!! AFRICAN MOVIES CAN make it if the mediocrity ceases. Chris Attoh is a good actor and should he and the few good ones find the support financially, a good script etc they can put out an Oscar worthy film. It takes hard ...
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Whoa!!i think heading is misleading again!!by half baked journalists,he said gain recognition not take over!!even Oscars snub British top dogs like Helen Mirren so i agree with some sentiments,but dreams are good,innit?lol
We are getting carried away with this "beast of no nation",,we like to be rewarded for mediocrity,leila and Shirley don't play with production which is basic!! How can we do a dvd that has volume palpitating,u leave a dvd on ...
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Honestly why are y'all hating?
cant y'all be positive for once??
help yourselves
with determination and hard work anything is possible
hmmmm no comment!
ah! aden??
Objectivity before patriotism. This guy is just dreaming. And if he's saying this sake of beast of no nation, someone tell him that movie isn't African movie wai
joking or dreaming