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hmmmmmmmmmmm!!! de3 mo p3 biara no ny3!!who cares??????
She's seriously out of shape. OMG, I dey shy s3f give am.
Wei nkoaa di3, Romano has fired seeeeeriously off target.
Don't worry, you will soon get HIV/AIDS
professional Ashawo
this is not Ashawo is overjoyed on state be thankful if it were to be u
Why people have to insult if they don't agree with them, she is just an entertainer ,what prove do you have to lable her as ASHAWO? Please be real & be wise & stop your insult. Thanks.
I like her
Go on kissing strangers you will soon get oral herpes.
Mafia is so sexy so if she has kiss her fans is not bad because she love them and they also love, if I get her I will duck her because she is sexy
u do all,nice ass
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