I don't cherish my awards anymore - Lord Kenya

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  • NYANKONTON 8 years ago

    you should have given them to those lazy and hungry upcoming musicians who are searching for fame in any which way so they can be also refer to as celebrities

  • SCHEMER 8 years ago

    Then stop being in the media and adhere to your calling. Don't you forget in your hay days there were people preaching but you ignored them till your appointed time. Stop talking ill about people and witness to them in privat ...
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  • solomon 8 years ago

    i strongly agree with LORD KENYA,"anything u hold and love that does not based on the word of the...

  • Ghana son 8 years ago

    My big respect Lord Kenya.

  • MUHAMMAD KAAMIL. 8 years ago

    Lord Kenya is drug addict.if you have no shame? do as you like.singing and dancing inside church is doom.majority of musicians has learn their music from the church.there is no difference between the two.
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  • Ghost of Atta Mills 8 years ago

    Mohammed will stand judgment before Jesus.

  • John. SAIBU 8 years ago

    How can a person who cannot read and write music, and who has not mastered in any musical instrument be honored as the best musician in the country.? 8.30