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You stupid, quote in ur teachings so follower's will know which part of e Bible it is... U tink say we be kids, kwasia piiii
Stop talking bro. We don't need your excuses. Prodigal son, your father need you back. Come home. You went back to the world because of money. Your father, the almighty God can makes you rich.
You were just looking for money. you thought the tight will flow as that of the show biz. Shut up ?
I back Ofori Amponsah, Jesus said, it is written. He never quoted verses,He was always referring to what has been written down. People should stop worrying Ofori Amponsah,bible verse will not take you to the kingdom of God,he ...
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see joker
hahahahah hahahahahaha massa stop deceiving people , your platform in the states as a preacher was like a comic creator.
hmm ofori Amponsarh can u do that ? try it best
I think I side with Ben.
hmmm ofori come back. we need u ,forget every body and come back to God's work
Memorizing & quoting Bible verses is an integral part of being a man of God. I see All4real as a lazy & blockhead school dropout, looking out for easy cash.
I usually gain a deeper understanding of a Bible verse when spend time memorizing it with the Remember Me Bible Memory app for Android and iPhone/iPad devices ( Games, quizzes, audio and an intelligent reviewing ...
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