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Fake accident fake musician
how could u?
Wat is dis
A whole ASP in Ghana police service calling a car accident a small accident so there was no need to investigate, Aaa Ghana...the ASP saying Brother Sammy's injuries were minor, is he a medical doctor to diagnosed that, you di ...
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This has nothing to do with Ghana. Even in developed countries some accidents are not investigated due to the seriousness of it.
I have been in a minor accident in USA where Police were called and the two drivers involved ...
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After both of us admitted we were not injured.
It is unfortunate on the part of a senior police officer who deliberately refused to investigate an accident and said it was a small accident. There's no accident which is small and every accident must be investigated to esta ...
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Eii ghana media now u guys are admitting he had an accident but u want to downplay it seriousness. This is unfair
Leave Sammy alone every accident is accident. We don't have nothing call small accident.
Even if it wasn't serious,there was an accident.
Is the ASP on the payroll of his insurance company? So he is sided with his insurance company to deny his claims? I don't get it.Is his assertion based on the medical records or what.Why did he have to open his mouth? If I w ...
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fool! calling a vehicle accident a minor one
By their fruits they shall be known... Hihiiii!!
he need dourness
So what of the account given by the Asawinso commander who called into the Hello fm entertainment show to break the news?
The so called police commander/commissioner is not a medical doctor to say that nobody received a serious injury. Leave medical issues to physicians. An accident may serious remember simple to the illiterate police officer ...
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The so called men of God,hmmmm.
Stupid talk! u refer to an accident as small. kwasea! ASP,get ready fr same accident then after u come n giv ur comments.fool
Is he not Christina love friend? Births of the same feathers
massa,'every accident is accident ,Do you want him to die before you call a serious accident.."
Oh brother Sammy ! Why ?
Oh!boys kasa.Ghana pls leave the man alone to do his work
Gospel artist mua telling lies.wat u soul is wat u rep.