Afia Schwarzenegger throws 'punches' at a fan

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  • Bbb 8 years ago

    What advice will you be given to your children if you had any.Afua shoa.

  • BE WISE- SHEEGU BANZA 8 years ago

    Bitch grow up, stinking pussy you should Ashame your brother fucking a prostitude aren't u ashame to even say that ? Indeed you are very stupid

  • Isaidit 8 years ago

    I really hate shaming ugly women but sometimes they bring it to themselves.People laugh at Ghana using her picture.Who let her out of the zoo?I can bet any amount of money she uses concentrated makeup prescribed by a speciali ...
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  • Ahrdwoah 8 years ago

    are u that stupid? huh did she ask anyone to tell her trash? why don't u go sit home and tell ur gal her pu**y is smelling wtf . on a serious note Ghanaians shld grow up yh

  • marcus 8 years ago

    She has kids......
    ..but please this not news....

  • Queen 8 years ago

    It's true that age is just a number cuz some people simply refuse to grow up. This woman is probably the most childish person I've come across.

  • BE WISE- SHEEGU BANZA 8 years ago

    Bitch grow up, stinking pussy you should Ashame your brother fucking a prostitude aren't u ashame to even say that ? Indeed you are very stupid.....

  • Jojo 8 years ago

    There is one religion in this world that still believes in causes and effect "the law of Kama"
    How can such fuzzy lips of the lady who first insulted Afia schoa to go scot free? You have vuvu lips that you can carry yet you ...
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  • Afia 8 years ago

    Someone is constructing 24km road in a community. Dat is d news we wnt t hear n more of dat not dis uncivilised behaviour. Alwys exchngin insultin. Give us a break!!!!

  • benjy 8 years ago

    indeed she Is really scared of Sakordie! this young lady has no shame n Am ashamed to regard her as a woman... she Is a disgrace

  • Osagyefo Rocky 8 years ago

    Eiiiiii! So why always Afia Shoa?
    But Afia be wise.

  • Akorfa 8 years ago

    Look at the pot calling the kettle's only prostitute like Afia Schwarzenegger who knows her fellow woman in the same profession. Stupid fool and you call your self a mother...kwasiaaa baaa.

  • Sarah 8 years ago

    Afia we Dey ur back wai....wot right has she got to insult you? If they want trouble give it to them double and ignore the haters who will sieze every least opportunity to insult you.

  • KnYc(USMC) 8 years ago

    No class, such illiterates parading around Ghana calling themselves celebrity. A real celebrity will not respond to anything they heard about themselves from their fun. You can put a lipstick on a pig, is still a pig.

  • Nana koti. 8 years ago

    Aria. We love you but sometimes just tone it down. We don't want you to be like Dishonourable Adjapong. Just hold certain things up and move on swiftly. Your lips are so naturally beautiful. people pay to make theirs.

  • Mr Real 8 years ago

    Masa shon the fool and grow up. Oh so u were afraid of Sark? Aboa nka ugo see. What Kennedy did to you was even small. Sia g33. Do u think u owe Ghana simply because ure the president''s "side chick " gyimii

  • richmama 8 years ago

    Why do u always want to insult afia,wat abt de one who strted it,