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Always flaunting for nothing. Warren Buffett on the other hand as "big" as he is lives a very modest lifestyle compared to a small fry from Ghana who thinks he's some kind of king when in reality he lives in Dumsor, filth, po ...
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Massa e dey pain u ooooooo.......go burie ur self hahahahaha hater
Typical Ghanaian mentality! Kurasini! Cars dont mean shit when the majority of our people are starving. Kwasia! Go to hell with your cheap mentality!
Thanx bros u get sense. Wat u dey talk is true.cakes pan well down
When the person dey fool u dey praise him.hmmm ghana people when at all will u face the fact. If he is sick now n he can't walk can he send the cars to send ...
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Skin pain...ahooyaa hahaha
People like fresh are the average foolish Ghanaians! Whats there to envy about a braggart artist and his shit cars when we know where he'll be in 10 years from now? Cars dont mean shit when there's poverty and hunger all arou ...
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Don't ever invest in cars..don't spend ur money on cars. If interested u I would only have 3 very good cars like a truck, a range and motorcycle.......investment in real estate and, open a restaurant, offe ...
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U dey pain u...........hater will always hate coz u wish u have it hahahahaha
Lol...That is Africa for you, if it's not the number of cars then it's a herd of cattle one has,that's the yardstick for measuring ones success in Africa.Nice cars though bt I think it's more of a liability than assets.This g ...
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@fresh u said it all. People r jealous of Shatta success. So is CRISP telling us that when he make money like shatta he will ride a bike? He will remain poor forever cos he is jealous of people success. Shatta I salute u... ...
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I use to date this Jewish girl who was drake' cousin. Drake was an up and coming rapper and his flow was wack. He persevered. Today, not only is he making money off music and writing songs for others. He owns part of the toro ...
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Tell them!!!!!
Man tell them rich poeple don't drive!! My people i was at holy trinity a few day ago and i have privilege to meet the owner trust me i was really surprise how simple and open minded he was.GHANA LET US LEARN THE DIFFERENT BE ...
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Stfu how can drake write for others when he can't write his own shit.Drake has ghost writers.
You are the true King,God loves you.
God bless Shatta more for me
U see Gh guy,u better give him a gud advise.wat r cars.can a car be a property. Hmmmmm think bf u talk Apetsi
in my opinion he's wealthy in Ghana but is not when travel to develop world what is car in America what's range rover in Britain when a car is customized in America that means everything is different from a car of the same ki ...
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All is vanity without Christ...
This things also do happen in all the industry so you people's should leave him alone
what shall it profit a man if he gains the WHOLE World and loses his own soul? A mans Life does not consist of the abundance of the things he possess. Think about these!
if u get cars and put on gold chain u still charles if everyone wats to talk abt riches amybe u wont even show in de soup if u help bulldog wats wrg jxt dnt mind wat he says and kepco
I live in the UK and they are some wealthy people around here who never boast of what they have.Please humble yourself,God loves humility.
I hope you save for rainy days and for old age i have seen people with way more than you ending up with nothing.