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That's true serwaa,you do all
you are looking great,you are right
Some Ghanaians are so superstitious they have forgotten to live.What is life if it is filled with sorrow, apprehension and fear? This life is meant for the living so live life to the fullest! By the way what is her real name?
woooooooooow I love that, your faith have saved you my sister
Continue your education as well.
she is the one killing them so she is not afraid
You fool rough
U will not die my sister u jux have to have faith with faith everything will go on well . jux pary kk ????????????????
U will not die my sister u jux have to have faith with faith everything will go on well . jux pary kk ????????????????
well said God is by your sides
Believe in God and continue to humble yourself, your shall surely have unchangeable common favor and protection from Jesus. Serwaa please read exodus 3:21 for your daily prayers. God bless you.
Clara Benson? Woooow!! Is she Ghanaian?
dear u ar save in jesus name
The Lord will always be your strength. I am impressed. Keep it up. There is no God like Jesus
the good lord is the strength of your life have faith in him only Clara Benson
You have your whole life ahead of you little Angel. Draw closer to God and He will protect you and direct your path. God bless you angel.
Oh wz her pregnancy false publication
And so what ....? Weather you are afraid or not you will die.... thats all......!!
Pitty u. Attention seeker .. U comment n laugh at ur comment.
awwwww y a u saying dat ...God X the pillar of her life it nt yet her time plsssss
That's why she says God is on her side therefore not afraid to die, got it?
no wonder you are the best female actress of the moment. don't forget to take your education serious my girl. fame is temporal education is everlasting even to grave.
I admire you soo much dear! Wish yo see u!!!
u r right ma sister
Too much jagadu roles is not good for your soul. Why must you always be the witch. Tell your producers it is time to cast you in softer roles. My genuine advice.
My sister u are wrong,eveybody is afraid of death ok.
naaaa nt dat she afraid because everyone will die dat y she said she X nt afraid to
hold on to your dreams, desire achieved and that will be joyful to your heart
wawooo serwaa I love dat
wawooo serwaa I love dat
gud may all yr dreams come true
can maame sewaa die
God is all knowing serwaa don't be afraid to die
should be careful
Indeed the Lord is your shepherd baby girl your faith has saved u God be with u and be very serious with ur studies
mame serwah becareful
we all pray for long life 4 u my dear
pls serwaa I hope u are nt going to face death n 4 tht matter I will rather die than to lose such a gifted life.God is with u
mice one there for maame serwaa .
Don't mind, death is for us all
Wat is death dear? come on! focus on your arts work . oh no oo Africa deeeee daabi
on one can kill u, only God
Through your faith you have for God u will succeed in wat u do on earth.God bless you serwaa
You know your God.
looking sweet n beautiful??????
my sister don't be afraid because it is appointed to man to die at one's
I know God is with you in your work
Infact you are highly lefted above. For Christ, to die is gain!!!
Serwaa i wish 2 join u
girl you are looking great; you are right
hmmm.I don't knw wat to say,but always believe urself.But Maame x gud for having faith in such situation.
Dats gud
You will not die but always have faith in the Lord and pray
gal u won't die kk
all u need now x faith
n u hve it
gal u r ryt u shdnt be scared of death cos we wll all die kk
all u need now x faith and u hve it
If you really have what it takes to go to heaven(holiness and righteousness-Hebrews 12:14) then there is no call for alarm. Because if you die,it is gain as a consecrated Christian.
God is on your side. You will attend our wedding
My day could have been better if spent it with you.
My day could have been better if had spent it with you.
Hello sis I am very with
Mame den give ur life to christ ok dat is if not we will enjoy to day nd sufa tomorow
Maame continue trust only in the Lord and He will be in charge of your life
May God be with you all the time, pray very hard and God will give you Marcy
Serwaa I like what u say. U have faith that is gud
oh is true if God is on ur side never afraid ..
God is ur side my dear
I love your faith
your right but focus on your education
vim lady; no body can killed you in these word
eiiii Ghana hmmmmm
surely the lord is your Shepherd Clara
The Lord is on your side, you will not die, don't believe what people say about you,Luv your hair style
Nana has kotI poison you will due many times.!
Dat gud serwaa,bat pls help me I really wnt tu show my talent plss