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Kwasia u call this car. This! apuu
Aboa taaaaa.... it is not a car, it is a tricycle abi????? ABOA BA
Good job's good to appreciate the seemingly little worked for be grateful.
this too be car? lol
Ohene and co . it is a plane not a car. Don't you have eyes?
In life u have to be content. With what u have,work have and progress. In life don't. try and impress. anyone.One thing u must know is they drive the mist expensive brand porsch,Benz g,gl,ml,range rover but find it difficult. ...
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@those asking if it's a car naaa it's a bike kwasiasem, he worked his ass off then get his self a car and u are there saying nonsense, maybe kuraaa non of ur family had or have their own car mpo, abi he didn't come to ur hous ...
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Kudos Nero X. What's kwasia talk about? The guy works hard and rewards himself and some people find that absurd.we rather respect those corrupt so called honourable s who steal Ghana's money. Big up. One step at a time. BIG ...
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hahahahaha see this poor that toy a car?