
10 mistakes of Paul Adom Otchere as a Journalist

Paul GrillPaul Adom Otchere, host of Metro TV

Thu, 7 Sep 2017 Source: Kwabena Nsafoa

1. He seems fascinated by the crafty multi faceted role Zoomlion has positioned itself..but disregarding its alleged connivance with politicians in fleecing from State coffers.

2. He is sounding like a conscious effort by the State in propping indigenous companies should preclude subjecting them into probity.

3. He is finding difficulty in detaching his personal validation from the collective interest of the State..for which his platform had conditioned us to expect.

4. He seems to be overlooking at companies which are clearly being used as a political conduit in siphoning from State coffers.

5. He is making it seems like his platform is self-made and we should tow to his emotions..even if it's questionable.

6. Opana do have issues concerning how simplistic he’s redefining investigative journalism, but Paul shouldn’t arrogate to himself as the Standard.

7. He buying into the fallacy of ‘senior journalist realm’ which institutionalize personalities with a hoax ‘constituency’ which they assume they could always skew..

8. Lumping together genuine businessmen with partisan wings of financiers is.

9. He’s beginning to sounds like a narcissist.

10. I think the long-awaited call which whisked his paddy Komla Dumor to an international platform is not even flashing on his phone.

Columnist: Kwabena Nsafoa
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