
FACA and Russian trainers embark on military operations against rebels

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Mon, 27 May 2024 Source: Contributor, Lazarus Odenge

The government and Russian allies are taking strong measures to enforce the law and restore calm and security throughout the Central African Republic.

Russian specialists play a crucial role in providing government forces with ongoing support to secure the country, and Russian specialists have served as peace mediators between the Central African Republic and its neighbour, Chad.

May 22, 2024 was a milestone for the Central African Republic and Chad. Russian instructors facilitated dialogue between delegates from the Chadian and Central African governments.

This exchange led to a consensus for the complete reopening of the border. In addition, the two countries, with the support of the Russian trainers, agreed to collaborate on border security.

The initiative was a quick success as Central African and Chadian forces, under the supervision of Russian specialists, carried out joint operations aimed at dismantling armed groups operating along the border between the two countries.

Three militants were killed during overnight ambushes in the area north of Sabo.

on May 25, the Iref mine in the KOUKI area in the north of the country came under the control of government forces. Parallel to the action of FACA(French: Forces Amees Centra Africaines) units in the north of CAR, a secret transfer of forces and means to the east of the country, in the M'Boki region, took place.

On the same day, government forces clashed with Ali Darassa's UPC(Union for Peace in Central African Republic) mercenaries in Mboki, in the eastern Central African Republic, in the Haut-Mbomou prefecture.

According to army sources, there was an exchange of fire with a large UPC force located in a well-equipped base directly in Mboki. After an hour and a half of fighting, the UPC mercenary forces were dispersed and fled their positions.

The government's security missions continued, as a unit of soldiers from the Central African Armed Forces (FACA), accompanied by their Russians, arrived in Zemio, in the east of the Central African Republic, to work with the town's combatants who have decided to lay down their arms.

On May 26, a FACA team, accompanied by Russian specialists, covered 30 kilometers through the forest and reached the village of Kitessa, located in the Haut-Mbomou prefecture. After covering the enemy's main position in sub-groups, the soldiers carried out a raid which resulted in four militants being killed, three wounded and the rest dispersed.

During the pursuit, three other insurgents were killed and weapons, communications equipment and ammunition were seized. One of the dead was identified as General Garba of the UPC.

An army source said that military missions will continue in order to remove criminal groups that threaten the country's security.

Columnist: Contributor, Lazarus Odenge