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Ghana in governmental crisis

87129114 BBT TV

Thu, 15 Dec 2022 Source: BBT TV

Ghana as a nation has gone through serious governmental and economic crisis which dates back to post independent era through to our current republic. What could be the major factor that contributes to such unfortunate situations our nation finds itself, despite the several array of leaderships this citizenry have had to endure.

Could it also be that members of parliament who we elect as representatives for the good people of Ghana upon whose sovereignty laws are made to govern the affairs of the nation, turn to wear their respective political party colours on the floor of the house rather than their main mandate expected of them, that is by putting Ghana first and not a political party.

If I may ask, whose interest does members of parliament serve as the peoples representatives? Could it be that our parliament has contributed to the poor governance our nation has and is experiencing?, Could it be that the legislature has not been checking the executives to do what is best for the nation due to their political and egocentric interests?.

I believe in a collective decision irrespective of one's political affiliation. Parliament is a serious house where the nations affairs are discussed, addressed and approved beyond all political interests. Once it’s a national matter, I am of the view that the members of parliament need to put aside their party colours and embrace the red, gold, green and the black star as one strong house to ensure that policies and bills brought before the house is critically looked at, for the benefit of the citizens without any form of fear or favour.

Parliament plays a major role in the governance of a nation when it comes to making of laws and ensuring its enforcement without dragging matters which would add economic value to the state .

A government may have a great manifesto but if the members of parliament are not ready to trim, prune and garnish it, its implementation due to political influence and interest may make it a liability to the citizens and the state which easily affects the economic growth of the nation and hence the wellbeing of the citizens.

If the peoples representatives could rise above cynicism, trivialities and colours of their political alliances and embrace Ghana in the execution of their duties, this nation could be able to manage its own affairs, and make Ghana the warrior king its meant to be.

Columnist: BBT TV