
Ho polytechnic a failed institution

Sat, 16 Mar 2013 Source: Akuley, Anane Ebenezer

During last year's election, education was the major issue that took center stage of the political campaign, almost all the political parties had something to offer on quality education for Ghanaian. However, when I look at how the tertiary instituitions are being run are disturbing. I thinkl the polytechnics were set up to train technically qualified manpower who are to take charge of of the industry sub sector of the economy and push it for our developmental goals. But then, when one makes a careful look at these institutions, they have rather become a problem for Ghanaian to solve than them solving our problems.

I would like to cite two institutions which have failed us woefully. To start with, let me talk about Ho Polytechnic. I have stood watched students of mechanical engineering department of Ho Polytechnic used their manpower to lift a tractor that was brought in on a truck. I stood by and watched them do this with one question ringing in my mind. This was if Ghana has any future at all? In same Ho Polytechnic, if you enter the HTM Department, it's one of the failed faculties of the Polytechnic. The catering department which should have taken the lead in the use of LPG is still using charcoal. The heat being generated by the fire is killing the workers slowly. I can tell on authority that about three of the staffs have been operated on. The head of that department is a disgrace to herself. She has failed to provide leadership to shape the department as a place of excellence for people in the catering industry. It is no surprise that students of the school patronize local food joints than what is cooked at the cafeteria. Hygiene is every scarce commodity in the cafeteria. One can see mice racing out on the kitchen floor. It is a known fact that mice and bats Cary the most deadly viral diseases in the world. It could not be far fetched that people could eat contaminated food from the place. As I was told, there were some times when mice died in a gravy that was prepared to be sold with rice. So, instead of students coming to learn the best practices of life to impact positively on society, they have rather left the school confused persons. Thus, the miriads of challenges we face as a country. No gas, no water to drink, we are sleeping in the darkness and business are collapsing. We have a confused government and a confused opposition which choose and act which of of the constionally mandated businesses to attend to, collect remuneration for everything without remorse.

To add to that University of Ghana is another failed institution. If one gets to the Common Wealth Hall, students there attend nature's call in the bush. The difficulty was no water. What stops the authorities of this noble hall from harvesting rain water purposely for flushing WCs toilets. If a place where Ghanaian are being trained to take charge of our development can not act to solve a minor problem like this, then, they deserved not to be there and we do not have any future as a people and a country. We are a failed state.

Ebenezer Anane Akuley.

Columnist: Akuley, Anane Ebenezer