
JJ’s Lies about “Urine” & Abuse of Market Women

Sun, 12 Jan 2014 Source: Mensema, Akadu Ntiriwa

*By Akadu Ntiriwa Mensema, Ph. D.


There is not a single extenuating factor that mitigates the dehumanization of Ghanaian women. Thus the sadly imploding Rawlings, the sadistic megalomaniac who has a mother, a wife, and daughters must know better than to deodorize his tribalistic and misogynistic reign of terror.


** Dedicated to all market women who were brutalized by soldiers under the auspices of Jerry Rawlings and the Socialist-thievery elites in 1979 and 1981/82. The brutalization included seizure of women’s goods and money, disrobing and flogging of women in public, and forcing women to open their inner legs – genitalia - for uncensored public viewing. These sadistic and misogynistic sideshows did not only occur at the Makola market, but also at the Kotokoraba market in Cape Coast, and at the Asafo/Kejetia market in Kumasi. Truth be told here and now: in 1979 and 1981/82 under the control of Rawlings and the AFRC, no Ghanaian, let alone disempowered women, had the audacious impudence to throw their urine on soldiers. Ask JJ how many times did women throw urine on soldiers? Was it one day or over two years? Let us assume for the sake of arguments in the binary range of possibilities that some women threw urine on soldiers once, not for two years. If this argument is plausible, why did the soldiers brutalized women for more than two years without any intervention by JJ? And why did an event in Makola spread to Kotokoraba (Cape Coast), and Asafo/Kejetia (Kumasi)? Certainly, women could not have thrown urine on soldiers for a period of two years that would, according Rawlings’ logic, warrant abuse of women for two years. Simply put, soldiers were deified, attained limitless power, and inspired terror and fear in all.


“According to [Rawlings] the kalabule had so badly gripped the society. A soldier goes to the Makola market and is requesting for the price of a piece of cloth for his wife that he wants to buy, and he’s pleading and begging, out of disgust, the woman throws her urine at the soldier. Not once, not twice, three times we know of….why did she do what she did? She did it because people had grown so angry and were finding those of us in uniform so repugnant. In a situation like that, the poor solider - he only obeys orders - and yet, he is the one who ends up with the urine being thrown at him. At that moment, he would take that woman and wanna kill her” (Ghanaweb January 9, 2014).

“JJ Rawlings, has stated that he tolerated the public flogging of naked market women during the June 4, 1979 AFRC uprising because some of those women threw urine at his soldiers ... Mr. Rawlings, who was addressing students at the University of Ghana on Friday, said inasmuch as he was pained by the flogging of the women, he could not have stopped it because the market women were disrespectful towards the men in green uniform hence they incurred the wrath of the soldiers “ (Ghanaweb October 22, 2011).


Truth be told to all

To all generations

Old, young, and unborn

The beguiled audience of JJ

The benighted generation

The killer in designer clothes

The saint of Ridge fire

JJ is running his course

JJ is running his curse

JJ is in a full circle

A wise man circling a full circle

Confessing to crimes

Like a vulture preening

Preening and cleaning its beak

Preening itself on a carcass

Cleaning up after a bloody feast

Confessing to failures

To moral bankruptcy

To political atrocities

To social arsons

Truth be told to all

To all generations

Old, young, and unborn

In 1979 no one dared

No Ghanaian dared

Dared throw urine at soldiers

Soldiers were gods

JJ was the cult-hero of death

No Ghanaian dared soldiers

Those rampaging soldiers

Eye-contact with them was death

Makola women dared not stir

Makola women dared not rebel

Makola women did not use urine as missiles

Makola women never threw urine at soldiers

Truth be told to all

To all generations

Old, young, and unborn

JJ knows it all

Brutalization of women

Of Makola women

Of Kotokoraba women

Of Asafo/Kejetia women

Brutalized, dehumanized, killed

Soldiers brutalizing all

Tearing off women’s clothes

Tearing off women’s underwear

Pouring water in women’s genitalia

Flogging women in the genitalia

Ah! Eyee Kanea Eyee Han

To wit: women’s legs are open

Open for all to see

Truth be told to all

To all generations

Old, young, and unborn

JJ is lying

Showy self-righteousness

Like a peacock in mud

Walking contradictions

The lying encyclopedia

With a preface of deception

With conclusions of duplicity

JJ’s braided mouth

That tells slippery lies

His dead mind

Damaged psyche

Wee damaged pysche

Watershed of lies

Lies well-cooked

Lies of a megalomaniac

Well-served to his audience

Beguiled audience

Bamboozled audience

Benighted audience

Truth be told to all

To all generations

Old, young, and unborn

JJ, the gods speak for all

For the voiceless

For the marginalized

For the benighted

For the disempowered

The gods have set you free

Free to destroy yourself

To crush your filthy legacy

JJ, the gods speak for all

For the voiceless

For the marginalized

For the benighted

For the disempowered

**Akadu Ntiriwa Mensema, Ph. D., is a nationalist Denkyira beauty. She is a trained oral historian cum sociologist and Professor in the USA. She lives in Pennsylvania with her great mentor and teaches Africa-area studies at a college in Maryland. In her pastime, she writes what critics have called “populist hyperbolic, satirical” poetry. She can be reached at My poems and essays on Ghanaweb and elsewhere must not be reproduced in full or in part for any academic or scholarly work without my written permission.

Columnist: Mensema, Akadu Ntiriwa