
Let There be a New Voters Register, and There Shall Be One!

Mon, 26 Oct 2015 Source: Adofo, Rockson

Does the bible not say that when the world was created there was total darkness and God said, "Let there be light" and instantly there was light? Similarly, many sensible, although suffering Ghanaians, have come to the proven conclusion that the current voters register is heavily pregnant with foreign and minors' names hence BLOATED. Subsequently, they are with one unanimous deafening voice saying, "Let there be a new voters register" and hopefully, there shall be one despite any resistance to be put up by the NDC.

Why are the NDC the only odd ones out there resisting any sensible request for a new none necessarily pregnant, but a more credible voters register ready for election 2016? What do they have to fear when a more credible register acceptable to all is prepared? Are they scared of the genuine removal of the suspected foreign and minors' names from the would-be new register? Do they stand to profit from the presently corrupted voters register?

If President Mahama has chalked unprecedented infrastructural achievements through his "Better Ghana Agenda" as alleged by the NDC sycophants and the President himself, why are they afraid of coming into being a new authentic voter register?

I think they are afraid because President Mahama's unprecedented achievements in the areas of propagation and spearheading of corruption, cluelessness, incompetence and practice of nepotism/tribalism are not to the expectation of the majority of Ghanaians hence their readiness to give him and NDC a boot from office.

Whatever the NDC and President Mahama do, there shall be a new voters register devoid of the suspicious names in place for election 2016. This is the only fair playing ground that many a man or woman of integrity is calling for to ensure Ghanaians actually get represented in parliament and in government by the very people they vote for but not people dubiously elected through the backdoor – bloated voters register.

I am sure Ms Charlotte Osei, the Chair of the Electoral Commission and her outfit will take note of the concerns raised by the majority of Ghanaians about the currently bloated register. I hope she will not listen to the dictates of her heart and stomach but her head as regards the people's quest for a new voters register.

A word to the wise is enough.

Rockson Adofo

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson