
Mr president, close down this church of satan !

Wed, 22 May 2013 Source: Ayiku, Charles Nii

Mr President,

Without mincing words, I want to implore you to use your authority as the president of the sovereign state of Ghana to disband the Synagogue Church of Satan on Spintex Road, and stop their operation anywhere in Ghana. The church officials must also be prosecuted for criminal negligence and for the killing of four innocent Ghanaians whose blood their leader T B Joshua has used for his demonic sacrifices. T B Joshua is a man of Satan and not a man of God, and it is time Ghanaians understand this.

T B Joshua claimed his " anointing water " would alleviate poverty in Ghana and provide solutions to all the problems Ghanaians are facing, and some gullible people believed this nonsense and now we see the result: Four Ghanaians dead, and many others wounded. If this is not an insult on the intelligence of Ghanaians, what else ?

T B Joshua left the multiplicity of problems in Nigeria, including poverty, sickness, corruption, Boko Haram and many others, and came to Ghana to deceive our people with false claims and it is time he is stopped from ever setting his foot in Ghana. TBJ has already claimed the lives of twenty Ghanaians who perished after a manipulated "miracle," with the connivance of his Ghanaian lackey, Michael Lathbridge, Kayode of Awakeners and his other devotees, and it is time he is stopped.

T B Joshua claims to be a prophet who knows everything God wants to do, yet he didn't know his own president, Sanni Abacha would die, nor did he know about Mill's death, and yet he was closely associated with them ! This man is a liar and an ordinary Nigerian scammer operating in the name of the Lord and deceiving multitudes who are so gullible and ignorant of the Word of God.

Enough is enough ! T B Joshua has more blood of Ghanaians on his hands and it is time to deal with this Nigerian criminal and his gang of rogues in Ghana, who claim to be pastors and prophets. It is time to disband the Synagogue church of Satan in Ghana !

May the Lord bless our homeland Ghana and make our nation great and strong !

Nii Ayiku

Columnist: Ayiku, Charles Nii