
Neadenthals, White Men, the Gods and War Behaviours: Reconsidering the destructive behaviours tendencies of modern men

Black Man In Pain File Photo

Fri, 29 Nov 2024 Source: Professor Desmond Ayim-Aboagye, Ph.D.

1. Introduction

While wars have been accepted by modern men as normal behavior among modern men on earth, sometimes rewarding it as a signal of “superiority” and “wealth”, historical narratives that hover among the ”original men on earth” (Hebrews and Israelites) had many thousands of years ago had depicted it as a sign of “evil behavior” and “depravity” of men.

We do not hear them often referring to this evil behavior in the open/public because they consider it a secret, which the Gods and among the original human beings discourse on it.

The article will show that among the Gods and the present modern men in some quarters of the earth (civilized men), wars do not denote superiority. Rather they point to the depravity of modern man who had generated their wealth and worldly frivolous power.

2. Neanderthalsː Archaic Human Beings in the Artic

Neanderthals were one of the archaic human beings that sojourned in the Arctic circle, particularly in Siberia and the Northern Hemisphere some thousands of years ago. Though these crafty men, ugly men, and women had lived in the world approximating more than 300,000 years, they had left no civilization.

So far the information that had been gathered about them through archeology and genetic study characteristics had revealed them as having big heads, crafty bodies, and strong physic will with their social behavior; and these could not support their generation any civilization because they did not utilize their brains.

They lived and fought great wars among themselves so much so that when they exited the earth, they had not developed any scientific artifacts, only their bones and minor artifacts are being used at present to remember them. In terms of living and conquering the earth, Neanderthals tragically failed and today we remember them as archaic empty human beings who could not play their part in human evolution of the world.

Like the Dinosaurs, they are extinct from the world. We can only picture them of their gigantic brutal wars which could have enticed the whole human race and older modern human beings who lived in Mesopotamia, Babylon, Assyria, and its environs which had generated superb earlier civilizations that had been built upon by others up until now.

3. Older Civilizations and Their Encounter with Extraterrestrial Beings and Gods

The Akans, the people who developed some of the dominant civilizations of the world that several millennia ago formed part of the Kamet-Nubian civilizations who had grounded superb civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Ancient Israel, and Great Egyptian civilizations had accounted that they had enjoyed relationships with the Gods, who are considered as “Supernatural beings”. They also played a greater role in the Greco-Roman world, particularly concerning the development of a Monotheistic God and the transference of modern science to the Greeks. They had a premise that goes like this “Nothing that does not exist has a name” or “If something does not exist, it cannot be given a name.”

These are civilizations that purported to have had great encounters with "extra-terrestrial beings" or commonly denoted "Gods". Their great ancestors developed the concept of God in the two most important civilizations of the earth and later they transported it to Great India (by Badu [Ancient Egyptian] or Budda) which is being worshipped by the Hindus, both white and black human beings in India. Like the Ancient Egyptians, the Ancient Dravidians developed a superb civilization that cannot be equaled by many other nations of the Ancient world.

Having encounters with supernatural beings meant they had many secrets made public, but some secrets had been hidden because they preferred that it should be so. One of their best-kept secrets concerns the name they give to the human being best known as “Whiteman.”

4. Whiteman (Europeans and all descendants in the expanse world) and their War Behaviors/ Instincts.

As mentioned above, no people had ever enjoyed copious encounters with extraterrestrial beings/Gods other than the true Hebrews and true Israelites of Ancient times who now inhabit Modern Ghana. They lived in Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, and Ancient Israel and built civilizations that opened the eyes of modern men. They had transported their concepts of God to Great India, which is the Hindu religion, symbolized by Hathor/a Cow called the cow in Ancient Indian Religion.

What is not secret but no one talks about is the knowledge handed down by their Gods concerning the human being known as “Whiteman” and his dangerous characteristic behaviors. These they believe could easily conquer the whole world and if care is not taken could also lead to the “Great Armageddon” or the end of the world. Like the Neanderthals, the Gods communicated to the original humans about the “Greedy behaviors” of these Europeans and their descendants on Earth.

They called them (and currently that is the name being used to call them) "Abrᴐfo”, which means the “wicked ones,” “indescribably wicked ones”. While the pluralism is Abrᴐfo, the singular is “Obrᴐni”, that is, “the wicked one”. This secret name which our forefathers harbor among the different tribes of the Akans explains that the Whiteman is a human being who is never to be trusted in all things, particularly, concerning a treaty or contract. This name exists not to be used to harbor vengeance or hostility, according to our forefathers, but to be forewarned in their dealings with them.

5. Concluding Remarks

Many signs show the fact that the Neanderthals suffered extinction because of some inherent psychiatric disorder they possessed which was not obvious to us just as the descendants of Albinos' disorder were not obvious to us so they had manipulated the inhabitants of the world to follow them concerning their barbaric modern wars on the planet earth. Albinos suffered humiliation and frustration because the world shunned them just as their parent had earlier shunned them. “The terrible situation they found themselves in were only minor if one considers the fact that they were continuously being sacrificed and killed for the gods of the original human beings”.

If their descendants had not had contact with Africans, Asians, and many others who thought civilized but surrendered their properties acquired in the world to them, they probably would have died or become extinct like the Neanderthals due to their wicked behavior and barbaric wars they fought among themselves in the past and currently, they are waging with the threat of Nuclear weapons.

The disorder of “greed alone” would have caused them to be extinct had it not been for the kind and gentle demeanor shown to them by the original humans who invented mathematics and gave knowledge of it and science in general. The attempt to set themselves aside to continue the manipulation and cunning behavior should be immediately impeded otherwise they will destroy the earth.

Through consensus we can reduce the wars and bizarre behavior they had shown in this world in the past and present due to ignorance which the people of the world had allowed themselves to suffer. Neanderthals were primitive human beings who had some hidden disorders that could be tied to their bizarre behavior and extinction from the planet Earth.

Their conditions in the hectic weather in the Arctic were pathetic due to their lack of capability to develop creatively and survive on Earth. If the world does not take control and allows the Albinos alone to lead the world, we shall one day find ourselves boiling in a nuclear war. The current situation of having madmen and serial killers as superpower presidents beckons us to be more careful than before.

Columnist: Professor Desmond Ayim-Aboagye, Ph.D.