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Nkrumah Gave Ghana Real Democracy!

Thu, 3 Mar 2011 Source: Noko Bi

Feature Article By Noko Bi

This is a rejoinder to: "Nkrumah Shot Danquah, Dumbo!!!", Feature Article of Tuesday, 1 March 2011, by* *Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame. Nkrumah Gave Ghana Real Democracy!

Only the self-glorified college professor, eager to redeem the image of his grand-uncle, J B Danquah, can claim his so-called doyen of Gold Coast politics could have given Ghana better democracy than Kwame Nkrumah gave us before that traitor's party, the UP, forced him to take serious action to protect life and limb in this country after they declared war against the state and started the first terrorist organization, the Mate mehu, in this country. The fact that the UP was rejected at the ballot box by the people has always been closely covered up by the revisionist professor. He knows the reason why he keeps telling half-truths but that does not mean that Ghanaians do not know the truth or that we will not tell them.

The learned college professor can attempt, as he cares to, to rewrite history and find ways of raising his internationally unknown grand-uncle above the world recognised greatest leader of the Africa of our time, which was Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. But as he is well aware, it does not change anything. The quietness of the Danquah-Busia-Dombo tradition on the noises of the learned college professor is unbelievable but that is their problem. The more he writes the worse he makes their case, but it appears they cannot stop his pathological hatred of Kwame Nkrumah and his family so they let him carry on hoping that he will do his own knot in the process.

When people are so full of themselves, as the college professor appears to be, they forget that they can act above themselves, which would not always turn out to be in their best interest. Okoampa would like to tell us that the Danquah-Busia-Dombo tradition was the best proponents of the democratic tradition in Ghana. But we tell the self-glorified professor that that is a lie because the real proponent of popular democracy in Ghana was actually Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and his CPP.

I can hear you wondering if I have suddenly gone bananas. No! I am perfectly sane, at least the last time I checked, so do not worry. Hold on tight! It will be over in a sec. If you are confused, you will not be alone in that area. That is what 45 years of concerted misinformation and lies by a bunch of neocolonialist traitors and revisionists constantly telling lies about one man does to your head! But do not worry a bit. You are still on earth; you are not on Planet Mars. Oh no! I will come to it in due course. You would be pleasantly surprised or be as sick as a doodo depending on your political persuasion once we start revealing our reason for this assertion. The learned professor's writings clearly never anticipated this bomb, but anyone with a little grey matter can not fail to see the truth once the door is opened. Here we go! fasten you seat-belt!

The so-called the Danquah-Busia-Dombo tradition, during the struggle for independence and even after, a motley gathering of tribalists-based parties with strong feudalist core governance philosophy from the old ruling houses in the then Gold Coast basically wanted the colonial government to handover to them to basically go back to their feudalist ways of doing things. Their leader was J B Danquah.

But there was no democracy in feudal systems of governance because the masses had no say in such systems, so if Danquah wanted real democracy for the ordinary man and woman, why did he want that system of in Ghana? They wanted the feudalist system back where they would continue to rule their people without the masses having a voice. Yes! You read it right! The original aim of the Danquah-Busia-Dombo tradition was that they wanted to continue to rule their people on tribal basis as they did before the colonialists without a voice for the ordinary people, or better put, without a vote for the masses. As to whether they considered that form of rule fair or unfair is immaterial. What they were agitating for would have produced a feudalist 'federated' government in Ghana on similar lines as it used to be.

Oh yes, there would have been some form of government or shall we say 'parliament' but only the rich and powerful would have gone out there to represent their own interests or 'people' and the most powerful would not have been even voted in. They would have had the right to be in the proposed upper house without being elected.

To ensure this rather strange 'democracy,' if you could call such a system democratic, they wanted some form of federation in a rather highly complex governmental system of the feudal lords. This was one of the points of contention between Kwame Nkrumah and the CPP and the UGCC and Danquah and later the UP tradition.

You might ask what was wrong with the feudalist-federalist government proposed by the Danquah-Busia Dombo tradition? After all they wanted to have some form of 'parliament' so what was wrong with that? Well, the point was that what the Danquah-Busia-Dombo tradition was planning for Ghana was a bastardised form of democracy. It was not democracy as we know it today. Let me explain.

What is the definition of democracy? Don't they say that democracy is: the power of the people, for the people, by the people? If that is true, how do you claim that you are democratic and that you support real democracy if you have no intention of meeting the requirements of democracy as defined above? But that was exactly what the feudalist 'federation' of tribal lords which J B Danquah was leader of were planning for Ghana. This was the original objective of the tradition which we now call the Danquah-Busia-Dombo tradition.

This was actually what they were about. What they proposed was not democracy. It was the fact that Kwame Nkrumah opposed that sort of arrangement that would have denied the ordinary people of this nation their voice in government that they hated him so much. So there! When we say the Danquah-Busia-Dombo tradition has been misinforming the people of this country for over 45years, you can judge it for yourself.

So what did Kwame Nkrumah do to promote popular democracy to merit him rather than Danquah being the leader of grass-root democracy in Ghana? Well, so much has been written about how Kwame Nkrumah organised the ordinary people of this country so we would not waste your time trying to go over that again. The best way to put it is to look at what is happening in North Africa today. Nkrumah organised the masses to rise up against the colonialists and fight for their freedom. It was Kwame Nkrumah and the CPP that advocated power of the ordinary people of Ghana, for the people of Ghana, by the people of Ghana through his 'Positive Action Now!' movement. It was the power of the ordinary people, by the people, for the people that made Nkrumah popular with the masses and the reason why he was able to win against the UGCC/UP even when he was in prison. Of course, as usual, Okoampa would find a way to give a ridiculous twist to what happened when Nkrumah fought for democratic rights for the masses of this country instead of the archaic feudalist-federalist system his grand-uncle believed in for which reason he wanted the colonial government to continue to subjugate his people because Kwame Nkrumah won and was driving the country toward grass-root democracy.

Today, Okoampa has set himself up as judge and jury over the lives and deeds of Dr Danquah and Dr Nkrumah, who as he would like to tell us was actually an under achiever. He and his lot have seized everything to do with democracy for J B Danquah at the expense of Kwame Nkrumah, despite his achievements in bringing real democracy to the masses of this country. Okoampa never sees anything good about Nkrumah who his own party has acknowledged as a great leader of our nation but he sees everything good about his grand-uncle and nothing bad at all, even though as a man he made mistakes just as Nkrumah did.

But as we keep telling him, he may be a professor but he is not the only one who can think. To him, we are 'nobodies' as he often says, but we do not need his permission to think and we can think very clearly and far, and when we look at the crap he keeps spewing out, we just laugh because, no matter what he writes. It only takes a few analysis to get to the truth and the truth shows that Kwame Nkrumah was the one that promoted mass grass-root democracy in Ghana, not J B Danquah or the so-called the Danquah-Busia-Dombo tradition as they keep claiming.

The UP only came to the realization of the need for grass-root democracy later on and it was after they were unable to get enough votes to challenge the CPP in parliament and opted for war against the state and Nkrumah stood up and defended the nation to protect innocent Ghanaians against their bombs and other atrocities. It was then that they realised that grass-root democracy could be their saviour. But by then, Kwame Nkrumah had had enough of their mischief and violence.

It was Nkrumah that advised the inward-looking tribal based feudalist-federalist parties to form the United Party (UP) to enable them to provide a better opposition to the CPP. If this was a man that set out to be a dictator, as his detractors would like us to believe because of the hatred of him, for what he actually achieved, you tell me.

As for the claim by Okoampa that Dr. Nkrumah was a racist, the less said the better because he contradicted himself in the same article so many times. Desperate men do desperate things, but not Okoampa; Okoampa-Ahoofe, the well known tribalist and bigot is finding is calling Nkrumah who had a white secretary, commanded a white IGP, married an Arab, a racist because he challenged the nasty racist minority whites for enslaving black people in their own country in South Africa and yet Okoampa saw nothing wrong with the fact that Dr Danquah actually believed that South Africa was a free country on the African continent in the 1960s. What a shame, called a professor!

Okoampa can try to invent ideas to give the impression that the Danquah-Busia-Dombo tradition was not neocolonialist and that it was rather Dr Nkrumah who consistently fought against neocolonialism who was actually neocolonial. What a joker! He is not even ashamed when he is telling lies. The Danquah-Busia-Dombo tradition can never shake off their neocolonialists title. If this is another 'smart' gaff to extricate Nana Akufo Addo from his morass of gaffs, it will not wash! The evidence of who the neocolonialists are is there for all to see and it is the UP/PP/NPP tradition. The fact is that they were and still are neocolonialists. It shows like a sore thumb!

Columnist: Noko Bi