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President Mahama’s Corruption-Friendly Government Must Appreciate Shame

Wed, 23 Dec 2015 Source: Bekoe, Frank Asiedu

Trust they say is one of the core basis upon which all legitimate and sustainable political systems are built and structured: it is indeed crucial for social cohesion and human well-being. Trust is a vital ingredient for successful policy-making in any decent democracy, as the implementation of many government policies depends on behavioural responses from the public.

Overall, trust represents a core outcome of governmental performance. However, in recent years, particularly as a result of the economic crisis due to ‘naked corruption’ which is being patronized and disgracefully supported by the John Dramani Mahama-NDC led administration and some of his corrupt appointees, citizens and for that matter taxpayers have lost trust in political institutions and their confidence in the NDC government has plummeted in Ghana and beyond.

We therefore call on the Police C.I.D.to as a matter of urgency arrest, investigate and prosecute all public officials who were involved in robbing the Ghanaian taxpayer of about one million dollars ($1,000,000) with regards to the stinking Metro Mass Buses rebranding saga.

We hereby remind the Chief of Staff, Mr Julius Debrah that people have being paid and mandated by the State to deal with such situations. It does not lie within the ambit of the Chief of Staff to investigate alleged corruption matters.

If President Mahama feels he is not complicit in this disgraceful act, heads must roll.

Under his watch, Ghana has seen too much corruption which has become endemic and has eaten into the socio-economic and politico fibre of our society.

As taxpayers, we shall continue to ‘fight’ President Mahama’s government until he sees corruption as a catastrophic enemy to humankind.

Frank Asiedu Bekoe, Executive Director

Wassup Number: 0204074751

Columnist: Bekoe, Frank Asiedu