
President Mills Has Been Hoodwinked And Bamboozled By Rawlings

Sat, 30 Jan 2010 Source: Bonsu, M. Dade

Many a Ghanaian admirer, sympathizer and detractor alike hold the opinion that President John Evans Atta Mills is a well meaning president who wants to succeed because to chart the course for a ‘BETTER GHANA’ President Mills will have to grapple with various constitutional requirements of appointing his Cabinet. For example, ministers are not to exceed 19 from across the length and breadth of Ghana’s 10 regions. Also, 10 of his appointments must come from parliament. The President at the same time is required to consider regional balance in order not to marginalize any section or part of the nation.

However, the likes of President Rawlings, Gbevlo Lartey, Victor Gbeho, Victor Smith, Togbe Afedi Asogli and Kofi Awoonor and their cohorts surrounding him are bent on ensuring that only their clansmen take all contracts and appointments.

It is interesting to note that Kofi Awoonor authored a book during Rawlings 1979 coup suggesting a sinister plan to wipe out Akans and replace them with his Ewe hegemony. “ The purpose or the Revolution is to take away the political and economic hegemony perpetrated by the Akans, particularly the Ashanti”…. Dr. Kofi Awoonor now earns the country’s highest honor of being Chairman of Council of State. This is very disturbing and I really suggest that Fanti men of goodwill should begin to cleanse President Mills lens for him to see what the rest of Ghanaians are seeing before these Ewe dominated ‘TEAM B’ appointees blind him.

Barely one month after assuming office, President Mills sent the following release to be posted to our various missions abroad, which the Ghana Civil Service Board considered very unfortunate. Even the substantive Minister of Foreign Affairs & Regional Integration considered it inappropriate and tribally imbalanced, discriminatory and a breach of the 1992 constitution. The contents of the letter are following:

A) “Approval has been given, per reference C, for the under mentioned OR to be posted to DA officers/Missions on dates stated against their names:

The newly recruited Foreign Service Officers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

184210 WO1 Matanawui Sylvanus- ClkPay- Abuja (30 April 09) 185709 WOII Ofori Augustine Clk-India (15 May o9) 184076 WO1 Agbakpe Divine N –Clk-India (30 April 09) 185487 WOII Klevor Emmanuel –Clk-India (15 May 09) 184444 WO1 Amenyeah M A- Clk- Washington (15 May 09) 190711 Cpl Mohammed Abubakari –Mov Clk- London (15 June 09) 189747 A/Sgt Yakubu Sikina –Mov Clk-India (15 June 09) 184215 WOII Agyapong Edward –Clk-Cairo (15 June 09) 184055 CPOII Doku Isaac –Clk-Cairo (15 June 09)

a) The personnel are to be governed by the Terms and Conditions of service of Personnel posted to Foreign Missions.

b) The OR are entitled to travel with their spouses and two children each not above the age of 18 years. They are to depart Ghana on or about dates indicated.”

According to concerned soldiers, aforementioned soldiers were selected based on tribal and political affiliations, and not on qualifications. They claim that this directive come from the office of Philip Gbeho, Mills Senior Policy Advisor.

It is interesting to note that out of the nine soldiers, 6 or 66.7 percent came from the Volta Region, 2 or 22.22 percent hail from Northern Region and last person Isaac Doku from the Central Region. FOLKS, this is the tip of the iceberg.

I have to admit that Atta Mills is beginning to scare me. President Mills in giving false hope to the electorate, promised that if voted into power his government will drastically reduce fuel prices, heal wounds, unite the nation and make sure there is no NPP or NDC Ghana, bring peace to Bawku within 100 days, be a father to all Ghanaians, make armed robbery a thing of the past, not to pursue politics of vendetta. President Mills has failed to deliver on his promises. Clearly, President Mills has chosen to become a Glorified Ewe and has forgotten why he wanted to be President of Ghana. The following appointments made by President Mills are totally at variance with the constitution and heavily tilted in favor of Rawlings’ tribe and the Volta Region. And even President Rawlings in his usual hypocrisy has hinted that if the trend continues descerning Ghanaians might see NDC for what it is “an Ayigbe Party”.

1) Dr Kofi Awoonor Chairman, Council of State (Ewe)

2) Togbe Afedi Asogli, Senior Policy Advisor, Finance (Ewe)

3) Victor Gbeho, Senior Policy Advisor who single handedly sacked more than two dozen Akan Foreign Officers at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the transition period. (Ewe)

4) Alex Segbefia, Deputy Chief of Staff (Ewe)

5) Bebaako Mensah, Secretary to the President (Ewe)

6) Victor Smith, Chief of State Protocol (Ewe)

7) Koku Anyidoho, Communication Director. It is the appointments of the likes of Kofi Anyidoho, Alex Segbefia, Togbe Afedi, Ludwig Hlordze that made Rawlings broke the ‘Solidarity of Ewe Code of silence’- The duty of Ewes to look the other way when other Ewes commit crimes and offences in Ghanaian society irrespective of how heinous the crime might be.

8) Kofi Wampak, First Deputy Governor of Bank of Ghana (Ewe)

9) General Arnold Quanoo, Special Assistant to the President (Ewe)

10) Bregadier General Wallace Gbedema(rtd) Special Assistant to the President (Ewe)

11) GbveloLartey, National Security Coordinator (Ewe)

12) Kosivi Degbor, Deputy National Security Coordinator (Ewe)

13) Yaw Donkor, Director, Bureau of National Investigations (Ewe)

14) Biadela Morley Akpazi, Executive Director, Serious Fraud Office (Ewe)

15) Juliana Mensah Azuma, Minister of Tourism (Ewe)

16) Akua Densua, former MP for North Dayi, Minister of Women & Children Affairs (Ewe)

17) Joe Gidisu, Minister of Road and Highways (Ewe)

18) Ludwig Hlordze, Minister of State/ Office of the President (Ewe)

19) Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, Deputy Minister of Information (Ewe)

20) Chris Kpodo, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs(Ewe)

21) Madam Dzifa Aku Attivor, Deputy Minister of Transportation(Ewe)

22) Ford Henry Kamel, MP Biakoye, Deputy Minister of Land and Mineral Resources (Ewe)

23) Elvis Efriyie Ankra from Akatsi, Deputy Minister of Local Government. As if this not enough Mills has packed various State Agencies and quasi government corporations with the following TEAM B’ or “BOOT LIKERS’

24) Charles A Darku, Chief Executive of The Ghana Grid (Electricity Corporation and VRA)

25) Salas Mensah, Exwcutive Secretary, The Revenue Agencies Governing Board

26) Kwame Ampofo defeated MP, South Dayi, managing Director, Tema Oil Refiery (TOR)

27) Kofi Pottophy, who visited Kuffuor’s house and threatened to pull it down, National Disaster Management Operation

28) Michael Kofi Bansah, Director of Prison Service

29) Deputy Chief of Police John Kudalor, Director of Police of Ghana Police Service

30) KwadwoOwusu Agyeman from Kete Krachi, Executive Secretary of Ghana Export Promotion Council

31) Justice Amegashie, Driving Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA)

32) Sylvester Mensah, Chief Executive of the National Health Insurance Scheme

33) Professor Albert Fiadjoe Chairman, Constitutional Review Committee

34) Naval Captain Kwadjo Butah Board Chairman, Ghana Trade Fair Company

35) Professor John Bright Kwabla Aheto Chairman, National Media Commission

36) Kojo Ablodepey Chairman, Ghana Tourist Development Company

37) Mr. Senam Kuagbenu, Executive Director of National Service Scheme. The following are Atta Mills Trokosi Board of Directors to various state institutions:

38) William Tevie Member National Communication Authority

39) Bridget Katsriku, Public Service Commission

40) James Avedzi, Member Ghana Revenue Board

41) Rosa Kudoazi, Vice Chair Ghana Investment Promotion Center

42) Agbesi Kwadwo Dzakpasu, Board Member Ghana Investment Promotion Center

43) Stephen Ahor, Board Member National Investment Bank

44) Nana Nprah Busumuru Chief from Kete Krachi, Tema Oil Refinery(TOR)

45) Group Captain Michael S.K. Dordor, Chairman, Board of Ghana Water Company Limited

46) Lt.Col. Edward E. Fiawoo, Board Member Divestiture Implementation Committee

47) Edem Kpodor Chairman, Ghana Tourist Board

48) Lt. Col (rtd) Yaw Dzotefe Mensah Ghana Tourist Board

49) Kwabla D. Senanu, Member Serious Fraud Office

50) Capt. (rtd) K.P Fiadoo Member, Narcortic Control Board

51) Mr. Degbor Member , Narcortic Control Board

52) Robert Kwami Member, Narcortic Control Board

53) Rev. Dr. Deegbe Board Member Narcortic Control Board

54) Emmanuel Zumakpeh Member National Vocation Training Institute

55) David Dorkenoo Board Member National Vocation Training Institute

56) Regina Mawusi Yovonoo Board Member, State Insurance Corporation

57) Sylvia Ahulu Board Member, Ghana Supply Commission

58) Thomas F. K. Senya Board Member, Stat Housing Corporation

59) Biadelah Mottey Akpadzi Board Mamber, Micro-Finance and Small Loan Center

60) Hon. Joe Gidisu MP Chairman, Road Fund Management Board

61) Ms Bemice Day Kumah - Member National Museums and Monuments Board.

62) Emmanuel K. Ave – Member, Postal and Courier Services Regulatory

63) Mr. Napoleon Azumah – Member Road Fund Management Board

64) Mr. Stanislav Xoese Dogbe - Member Ghana Publishing Corporation

65) Mr. Frank Yao Badohu - Member GIHOC Distilleries

66) Mrs. Marian Bamor - Member Presidential Committee on Emolument

67) Koku Anyidoho (Head, Communications) Member Presidential Committee on Emolument

68) Amma De Souza Board Member, Presidential Committee on Emolument

69) Nicholas A. Gbekor-Kove Board Member, Ghana Meteorological Agency

70) Dr. Kwami Ameza, Board Member Irrigation Development Agency

71) Mawuli Adjei, Chairman Ghana Institute of Languages

72) Carl Wilson, Chairman, Confiscated Car Committee- Car Jacking syndicate

73) Justice Isaac Duose, Chairman of Ghana@50 Probe Commission.

Fellow Ghanaians, it seems that President Atta Mills is bent to establish an EWE CONCIUM at the Castle. They have developed a systemic grand plan to bring the Ghana Armed Forces into politics to prepare Rawlings and his ‘BOOT-LIKING TEAM B’ towards election 2012 and have packed the General Headquarters of GAF with Rawlings old cronies. Rawlings sent the marching orders to place these officers into various sensitive positions. It is sad and unfortunate to note that Air Commander Awusima was removed from Defense Intelligence. Other senior officers who do not hail from Volta Region like Brig Gen CK Ocran, Colonel Issa Wuni, were sidelined, ignored or transferred to ‘do nothing’ jobs.

74) Brigadier General G Partington, Head of the Army, Director General (Joint Operation

75) Col. D. K. Mishio, Deputy Director General (Joint Operations) both of who were Commanding officers of the dreaded 64 Infantry Regiment during the dark days of P(N)DC regimes

76) Christian Eden Kobla Dovlo Commandant Kofi Anan International peacekeeping Training Center promoted Air Marshall

77) Brigadier General Martin Gamiel Ahiaglo, General Officer commanding Southing Command of the Ghana Army

78) Brigadier General Quist, Director General Personnel Administration

79) Colonel J.K. Klobodu, Director General, Planning and Development

80) Colonel B.K. Klu, Director, Electrical & Mechanical Engineers

81) Commodore Biekro, Chief of Staff, General Headquarters

82) Air Commander C. G. Gamadeku, Chief of Staff, Air force Headquarters

And the list keeps mounting daily.

Very soon Mills will appoint an EWE in charge of Seized Public Toilets and Lorry Parks portfolio.

Ghanaians should be aware that the stage is now set for the control of the Armed Forces by the hawks in the NDC who are gravitating around ex-President Rawlings, General Arnold Quanoo and Lt Col AK Gblevo-Lartey and Kojo Tsikata. Obviously, the intentions of the hawks in the NDC are to put the Armed Forces in their pockets, sit back and press the bottom whenever it pleases them while President Mills sit and do nothing. Out of the fifteen NDC executive offices Atta Mills has ceded to Rawlings to command NDC foot soldiers to elect six EWES namely, Kwabena Adjei, National Chairman, Kofi Portophy, Vice Chairman, Ludwig Hlordze, National Youth Organizer, Kamel Noshie National Treasurer, Betty Agbornobor, Deputy National Organizer.

Where are the Ga’s and Fantis around President Mills? What happened to his pleas to Fantis: “adze wo fie a eye”. It is interesting to note that the only visible Ministers from Central Region are: Lt. Gen. Joseph Henry Smith, Minister for Defense who has been surrounded by Eve generals, Ms Hanna Tetteh, Monister for Trade and Industries, Mike Hammer, Minister of Transport.

President Kufour even appointed more Fantis such as Paa Kwesi Induom, Minister of Energy, Prof. Dominic Fobi, Minister of Science & Technology, Christen Churcher, Minister of Women & Children Affairs, Gladys Asmah, Minister of State- Fisheries, Mr. Ghartey, Attorney General & Minister of Justice.

The most important Ministerial portfolios like: Minister for Interior, Cletus Avoka

Minister for Local Government and Rural Development – Joseph Yieleh-Chireh

Minister for Water Resources, Works and Housing, Minister for Local Government and Rural Development – Joseph Yieleh-Chireh, Minister of Health, Kumbour all auctioned to people in the north without Eastern, Ashanti and Brong Ahafo Regions.

So you see, when misguided people try to confuse Ghanaians by concocting malicious lies to make President Kufour’s administration seem tribalistic and branding NPP as Akan Party, those of us who know the facts owe it a responsibility to set the records straight with true facts. The preceding facts describe the true character of President Atta Mills/ Rawlings/NDC Party.



M. Dade Bonsu, Bronx - New York

Columnist: Bonsu, M. Dade