Referee Lamptey has been banned for life
For long the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS), as we have all come to know, has been the eyes and ears of the government’s security setup obligated to protect and safeguard the borders and ports of this country, serving as the major sieve preventing unwanted, insecure and contraband materials and even individuals to percolate into the system without hindrances.
As far as everyone is concerned, the GIS is duty-bound to mobilise and organise citizens of good behaviour, integrity and character to deliver on the aforementioned responsibilities entrusted it by the government on behalf of all the citizens.
As such, it will be unpardonable and worrisome to find out that certain persons placed into positions of trust and service are of deviant, corrupt and characterless behaviours, beneath the dignity and sanctity of the institutions so dearly and for long upheld by the Ghanaian people as being noble and forthright in the delivery of quality and crucial services to all within the purview of Ghana.
Unfortunately, or rather, sadly, this is the undesirable reality of the time that we have had to face, especially when a personality like Mr. Joseph Odartey Lamptey, who actually happens to be working in the GIS, is clearly seen and exposed as a corrupt, or to say mildly, tainted official. It’s incredible and distasteful, to say but the least.
It is sadly but truly doubtless that there are many corrupt people of Mr. Joseph Lamptey's ilk who are still in the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS), and if any is in doubt of this declaration, the obvious evidence is the availability of fake, expired food products etc. dribbling their ways on to our local markets.
Thus, the humble plea that will be made to the authorities of the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) is to pragmatically coordinate an exercise in exorcism, purging and ridding this otherwise noble institution of the kinds of Mr. Joseph O. Lamprey, another corrupt official exposed by his own deeds.
Undoubtedly, Mr. Lamptey has tarnished not only the name of this country and the Ghana Football Association (GFA), but also the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS), for the reason that he is a staff worker at the GIS.
I am therefore calling on the Ghana Immigration Service to quickly relieve Referee J. O. Lamptey and his likes of duty, if they are serious about fighting corruption, and above all, if they want to protect and safe guard the integrity of the Service.