
Rejoinder: Edwinology's Lab: Those who want us to give Charlotte a carrot but not a stick

Head Ec Charlotte Osei Ed Charlotte Osei

Mon, 9 Jul 2018 Source: Sylvanus Akorsu|

Dear Edwinology's Lab,

I read your article, Edwinology's Lab: Those who want us to give Charlotte a carrot but not a stick published on Can we flip it like Those who want us to give a stick for Charlotte but not a carrot?

Generally, I think the woman hate woman thing is counter productive. So I was thinking about how else could the whole issue be addressed without removing the Electoral Commissioners. I thought a time period could have been given them to make up, sit up and work or else resign or get fired, such instruction would have put the burden on the commissioners and not the president.

Now the way the whole petition came about, was very fishy and how the president, an astute lawyer, a human right one (so I was told) could fall for such infantile unsigned petition marvels me. As if it was a spell the Attorney General did not also see it.

A petition was sent to the president concerning his cousin, the AG but the same constitution he claims tied his hands decided to loose his hands this time, even though the petition is actually a valid one, so he did not refer it for a committee to be formed to investigate it.

We all know the insults and harassment Charlotte went through when she was appointed. The then opposition, now in government sworn heaven and earth that they will remove her when they win the election. The way the president went about it shows that he was just fulfilling campaign promise to make his party people happy.

Has there been issues of procurement under this administration? Yes of course! Has the president take any action? No! He will normally declare the people not guilty then set up a committee to confirm what he has said.

What we should do in this country is not to give a damn about which party rules the country but whoever it is must be held accountable. Nana Addo is being treated like an egg as if when he is told in the face that he is doing the wrong thing he will die. We as citizens must hold our leaders accountable, they must not be seen to be above the law.

Can you imagine Dr. Ndoum being president and surround himself with his family members, do you think if these family members misbehave, show incompetence as has been stated in the case against Charlotte Osei and the deputies, do you think the president would be able to take action against his own kin? Yet we are all silent! All the so called good governance experts have forgotten about their notes.

All these my long talk is just that, the way successive governments have managed this nation is wrong. And it is so because we the citizens have foolishly urged them on.

Columnist: Sylvanus Akorsu|
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