
Sissala East District Health Directorate must seek financial assistance

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 Source: Ali, Prince Justice

Sissala East District Health Directorate must seek financial assistance from Govt and corporate bodies.

I bid you fraternal greetings Hon. Alex Bapula, the Health Director of Sissala East district. On behalf of the good people of Sissala East, I also wish to express our gratitude to you for all the good work you have done for us in terms of our healthcare. In fact, you have exhibited leadership of integrity, excellence and prudence in your noble office. I appreciate your relentless effort to revamping the health sector in the District. Together with fellow district men and women, I really appreciate and hold dear to your numerous ambitions.

Being healthy is far better than being rich. Under the administration of Hon. Alex Bapula, the District has chalked up many successes than before, in terms of both infrastructure and human resource development. Only few are given here.

In terms of infrastructure, the Director took office when the District had only 6 CHIP compounds. Extremely dissatisfied, the Director worked and worked and his effort is rewarded with 19 new CHIP compounds. In addition to the one provided by the MP and the 6 old ones, the District now has as many as 26 CHIP compounds which are all operating fully.

Adding to the numerous CHIP compounds, the one at Saakai has been upgraded to a health centre. Relentlessly, the Health Director is still seeing to the construction of two additional CHIP compounds—one at Challu and the other at Kassana area.

In terms of human-resource development, Hon. Alex is the first ever health director to initiate an award for his hardworking staff. Almost all the best hardworking staff members were awarded early this year. The awards will boost the morale of the health staff and also serve as impetus to compel them to do their best and as well as to stay in the district. In addition, he has been able to secure two people admission to purse medicine in UDS and about 20 other people are currently pursuing nursing courtesy his effort.

Through the joint effect of the Director and Hon. Mohammed Bataglia, who failed to secure the nod to become the parliamentary candidate for NDC, Wellembelle Clinic will soon be upgraded to a hospital. The Director has been able to secure services of medical doctor who is ready to work in the Wellembelle Hospital. Hon. Mohammed Bataglia negotiated with and successfully brought Virtue Medical Foundation Partners, providers of the necessary equipment to upgrade the clinic into a hospital.

The above represents Phase One of my series of write-ups into the achievements of the Health Directorate under Hon. Alex Bakpula.

Despite the achievements, the Director’s idea that some villages (Kulfuo, Nabulo and Nabugubelle) should build their own ‘medical laboratories’ seems too costly for the villagers. I therefore wish you take a second thought and propose feasible alternative strategies for equipping every village with the said ‘medical labs’. Accordingly, the good villagers are out there, waiting tolerantly to hearing you announce the new approach of getting them the facilities. One contribution that the villagers can make is to provide labour should you provide the building materials.

In your effect of getting funding and other logistics for the said laboratories, I suggest you kindly seek support from the Government and other corporate bodies around the globe. One thing I know and thrust you for is your ability to liaise with development partners and to lure them to your operational areas. Invoke those extraordinary skills and capabilities of yours now.

I wish you well in all your endeavours.

The author Mr Prince Justice Ali sentimentally advocates for development and positive change.

Cell: 0204803328.

Columnist: Ali, Prince Justice