
Solomon Nkansah and the banana Republic Of Ghana

Sat, 20 Feb 2016 Source: Sarpong, Justice

"We can't just be happy because a road has been tarred. We can't just be happy that we didn't have electricity now we have electricity. We can't be happy with minimals", he said, adding: "...citizens must have an appetite for better,-Pastor Otabil said."


"If we condemn him some of you in the media think we've said something abominable, but what this man has said is very frightening. It amounts to inciting the public against the government. Under the guise of the Bible, he says all sorts of things against those he is not in support of. But you know what; God is bigger than him and so whenever he says such things people don't listen to him. I am ashamed and scandalized as a Christian that a man of God can speak like Pastor Mensah Otabil has done," he told Accra-based Kasapa FM. These are the men who are a threat to national security and co-existence. Because you don't support the NDC government, you are inciting the public against the government."

Did I read the word inciting? Are we serious as a nation? Are we really serious as a nation? I don't really think so if we have People like this Solomon Nkansah as the mouthpiece of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC). When did asking the populace to demand more from our leaders became a threat to National Security? This dipsy-doodle statement from Solomon Nkansah shows how far the country has deteriorated even mental midgets have assumed positions of authority and have platforms to disseminate their foolishness.

First, Solomon Nkansah should have known that Pastor Mensah Otabil was speaking at a business forum to Entrepreneurs and the general public and not to a Church congregation and his speech to his audience cannot be termed as gingering the public against the government but rather to demand more from their leaders in the form of government relaxing its stranglehold of the economy and the quote below from Pastor Mensah Otabil is not in dispute:

"There's too much impact of the state in the lives of the people...we have to get to the point where it's not the state running the country, it's the people running the country, its entrepreneurs running the country, its businessmen [running the country].The state should get out of hospitals, the state should get out of the schools, the state should get out because they mess up everything they get involved in and get individuals to run the place."

When did being an apostle of private control of the economy or believing in capitalism become a threat to National Security?

The sagacity of Solomon Nkansah should be called into question based on his calumny of explaining Pastor Mensah Otabil's speech as a National security threat. When did Solomon Nkansah start worrying about National security threat? Accepting terrorists into Ghana is a security threat which any intelligent person should worry about but all we heard from this Solomon Nkansah when the Gitmo terrorists were brought to Ghana was his encomiums which greeted that decision by President Mahama.

"Pastor Otabil, who spoke at a book launch, had also called on the State to stop "monopolising" and "hijacking" business opportunities from citizens and rather be an "enabler" for private organisations and individuals to do business and also run the country."

How can this statement by Pastor Mensah Otabil be termed as a security threat? If this is how a supposedly Communication Expert will interpret a harmless speech as a threat just to mask all the bad things happening in Ghana then I shudder to imagine what another four years of this Mahama kakistocracy administration will do to Ghana. We have too many Solomon Nkansah's in this government it is a miracle we still have this banana republic we call Ghana.

Justice Sarpong


Columnist: Sarpong, Justice