
Supreme court and Ghana’s destiny:

Tue, 5 Mar 2013 Source: Biney, Stephen A.

On December 7th 2012, Ghanaians went to the polls to elect the President and the Parliamentarians. The election was extended to December 8th 2012. There were some holdups only known to Electoral Commissioner in announcing the results and declaring the winner of the Presidential election in favor of Mr. John Mahama of National Democratic Congress.

Immediately after the announcement, the main opposition leader Nana Akuffo Addo of the New Patriotic Party disagreed, opposed and did not accept the result declared by the Electoral Commissioner. Subsequently, the aggrieved proceeded to the Highest Court of Ghana on December 28th 2012 to contest the electoral outcome.

Since then the lawyers for the New Patriotic Party the petitioners and the Electoral Commissioner and National Democratic Congress the defendants have made their arguments before the Supreme Court.

After nearly two to three month, the Supreme Court has not been able to effectively and efficiently resolve the dispute surrounding the 2012 Presidential election.

However, I believe the Supreme Court must attend to this utmost important matter of national urgency as the number one priority. The Justices owe as their duties, obligations and responsibilities to themselves as well as to Ghanaians and the democratic world to redress and give judgment expediently and expeditiously.

Questionably, how long will the Justices take to resolve the number one national matter, as their constitutional and moral responsibilities---? Wait infinitely?

Because at the moment:

1: Ghana’s Governance is in turmoil

2: .Ghana’s Economy is at stagnation

3: Ghana’s development is derailing

4: The International Business Communities are waiting and watching

5: No flow of new Investments

6. Ghanaians are cliff hanging

It is understandable that the Supreme Court Justices want to cautiously exercise their best judgments. Nevertheless, justice delay by the Supreme Court is justice denied, and this is causing some irreparable and serious harm and casting the cloud of uncertainty in the country as described above.

A recent case in point is the 2000 Presidential Election in the United States of America. Al Gore verse Bush. How long did it take the Supreme Court of the United States of America to resolved and declared the winner? It took about a month to decide and allowed the Americans moved forward.

It is from all the above concerns that, I am appealing to the Justices of Ghana’s Supreme Court that now is the time to be bold and tell or give Ghanaians a specific timeline for their verdict on the Presidential electoral dispute because; Ghana’s destiny is now in their hands we cannot wait any longer. The national security is at risk because the Parliament is not functioning as such. This stifles the Presidency to take action in times of national emergency that requires Parliamentary approval or consultation.

The ruling will allow Ghana to move forward because; the leaderships of both parties involved in the electoral dispute have indicated and pledged their willingness and readiness to accept the outcome of the Supreme Court. Thank you and God bless Ghana.


Stephen A. Biney


Columnist: Biney, Stephen A.