
The cries of ''Odopa'' Kayaye and prostitution.

Mon, 21 Oct 2013 Source: Hardi, Ibrahim

For it is often said,one person does not observe the flickering lights

of a witch. I would like to thank one lady who wants to be known and

called ''Odopa''. She tries setting up an NGO called Odopa Social

services and is not easy for her now. It shall be well Insha Allah. As

we shop around the streets of Accra and other parts of the regional

capitals whether as housewives, government officials or tourists, it

ought to dawn on us that on a daily basis and hour by hour and minute by

minute we are glossing over a serious criminality. The kayaye who are

mainly young girls under the age of eighteen (18) and who do head

porterage can be seen clearly carrying various food and hardware items

on their heads. If they were merely engaging in external household

chores as part of their domestic training and upbringing, it shouldn’t

raise any eyebrows. The kayaye of Accra however are really child

labourers who have travelled mainly from various Northern parts to Accra

in search of work.

As a young man,the history of Kayaye labour

emerging from the north to Accra and other southern parts is as old as

the Gold Coast itself and the modern times will be the 1994 konkomba war

in the Northern Region. Labour was recruited from the north to the

south in the Gold Coast period to work on cocoa farms, in the mining

areas and even for enlistment into the Ghana Police Service and the Army

with the latter being as a result of the proverbial height of northern

people which was seen as an advantage for policing in particular. But

these movements were about able bodied men freely recruited to work for a

living. Naturally, a certain aspect of migration would have evolved out

of this because some people decided to retire and live in the south and

perhaps give their children an advantage of a better education in

southern schools.

The concept of child labour has been defined as

the using of legal perspectives of who a child is. According to the 1992

Constitution of Ghana a child is anyone under the age of eighteen (18)

years. Go to Mallam Atta Market around eight in the night,children from 7

are sleeping in varandars because of the tiredness of the working day.

Given the definition of a child, the ILO convention 138 defines child

labour as “labour that is performed by a child who is under the minimum

age for the kind of work (as defined by national legislation, in

accordance with accepted international standards) and that is those

likely to impede the child’s education and full development”. Child

labour therefore depends on the child’s age, types of work performed,

conditions or environment under which the work is performed, tools used

and the number of hours worked. Working children are frequently exposed

to jobs that are morally or psychologically damaging, hours that are

excessive, conditions that are unsafe, employment contracts that equate

with slavery or, at least economic exploitation. Such types of child

labour also represented a violation of the rights of children.


worst forms of child labour as the engagement of children under eighteen

(18) years in all forms of slavery and similar practices, prostitution

and pornography, illicit activities and hazardous work; and work which

by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely

to harm the health, safety or morals of children.


factors have been associated with the phenomenon of child labour in

Ghana. Some of these include poverty, lack of parental care and peer

influence and other things. All forms of child labour are offensive and

unacceptable. The majority of these appear to be on the blind side of

Ghanaians but even then, we have all been witnesses to the harm that

child labour cause this country,especially in the Cocoa sector.

Kayaye however, is visible, its about children spanning ages 8 – 15

years. They do not attend school, they face severe health hazards, they

live in squalor and some drift toward night work which has serious

connotations on sex work. Whatever the kayaye are involved in have also

implications on breaches on the 1992 Constitution with respect to the

right to life (Article 13), personal liberty (Article 14), right to

human dignity (Article 15) and equality and freedom from discrimination

(Article 17). The Children’s Act has several references to the

protection of the child particularly Section 87 which states that: 1) No

person shall engage a child in exploitative labour

2) Labour is exploitative of a child if it deprives the child of his/her health,

education and development

There are therefore serious concerns that infringe on the laws of Ghana

as well as International Law and yet we look on as if we cannot solve

the problem associated thereof.

We cannot solve these problems

without reference to regulatory authorities generally in Ghana. Most

things work in Ghana except those that require regulation. People park

under no parking signs, people sell on pavements, people throw garbage

around and the level of misconduct could be endless yet city authorities

who should enforce regulations say they have no funds to operate with.

Meanwhile, all these offenses attract fines that could create liquidity

for the assemblies. The Children’s Act empowers District Assemblies, the

Police and the Department of Social Welfare to act as appropriate when

children are being abused by being rushed into dehumanizing work and yet

the kayaye are strewn across the streets of Accra and other urban areas

carrying overloaded merchandise and impugning upon the integrity of

womanhood. I'm worry for Ghana in this particular area because as I

travel around, I do no see the practice of this phenomenon; female head

porterage on a massive scale as I see in this country. I know there are

a lot of men/women who want to help but this is a particular area we

want leadership to emerge to support people like Odopa of Odopa social

services. I know jobs are difficult to come by but if we improve upon

agriculture and have the forward and backward linkages that will

re-establish the rice mills as well as the oil mills, tomato and meat

factories, I believe a step would have been taken in the right direction

and the people would have the chance of working in their regions to


I dedicate this piece to a lady ''ODOPA'' who travels

hours to help this poor people and to seek support to enable her

establish a center for them. May Almighty brings true people who would

help this lady achieve her dreams of reducing this Kayaye situation.

Ibrahim Hardi 0208235615


Columnist: Hardi, Ibrahim