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Decolonizing The African Mind

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  • Nana Yaw 10 years ago

    There is nothing the continent can do about it. The colonial masters did a good job through indoctrination and brainwashing. We go to their school, speak their language, apply their master-slave economic policy taught to us i ...
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  • Kojo T 10 years ago

    "Small drops make the mighty ocean , and a journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step". Let us start changing the books our kids read at school and make them Afrocentric

  • Agyeman 10 years ago

    The african mind doesn't need so much of decoloniztion as it needs reprogramming,new enculturation and new socialization.The white man doesn't go shitting in the open all over town like Ghanamen do,he doesn't go building unap ...
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  • Kojo T 10 years ago

    Did we not have toilets and were our homes not swept dutifully before " obroni" came. Let us go back to what our ancestors taught us about hygiene and the rest while we incorporate modern methods. That is the " decolonizatio ...
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  • KB 10 years ago

    Francis,'glad you're back.I suggested commentarily that you do a re-posting of your earlier piece to sustain it's currency and urgency but obviously you're not going away anytime soon,and just as well.We need this.I guess you ...
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  • Gerald 10 years ago

    You could have conveyed the message in a very simple language for for all to understand. The article is too long. Brevity is the soul of wit

  • Francis Kwarteng 10 years ago


    Thanks for the question.

    There are two basic idelogical instruments currently at loggerheads, culture war, within the Western academy, mostly the West, Eurocentrism and Afrocentricity.

    One, Eurocentrism, claims ...
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  • I AND I 10 years ago

    My Main Man,i like your piece tough but YOU MUST first go thru' some transformation or as i'd put it,transforNAMEtion.Your name Francis is not African so check it out.Ghana's Education Minister had said parents shd stop givin ...
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  • Francis Kwarteng 10 years ago

    I AND I,

    I am changing my name early next year when my passport comes up for renewal. I have never liked European names myself. My new name shall be Yaw Kwarteng.

    Thanks for bringing it up.

  • DAN 10 years ago

    and my first wife..bet she took it out of phone book to give to immigration

  • I AND I 10 years ago


  • Kofi Basabasa 10 years ago

    I'm glad you are changing your name to an authentic one! You have taken the right step. Your mind can never be decolonized as long as you bear an Anglo-Saxon name. Your name change should have preceded your article.

  • sansabonsan 10 years ago

    jees......decolonize yourself first......what is the use of your topic....big english words.......long sentence that did not jive.....or whatever.......a simple english article would have been easier to understand......eh.... ...
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  • sansabonsan 10 years ago

    jees......decolonize yourself first......what is the use of your topic....big english words.......long sentence that did not jive.....or whatever.......a simple english article would have been easier to understand......eh.... ...
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  • sansabonsan 10 years ago

    jees......decolonize yourself first......what is the use of your topic....big english words.......long sentence that did not jive.....or whatever.......a simple english article would have been easier to understand......eh.... ...
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  • DAN 10 years ago

    would be better if the white man was back in charge of africa...At least the slaves got to eat!

  • Joe 10 years ago

    You may have something worthwhile to say. But the art of good writers is to put across
    their message in a simple and concise form. Long and obscure words do not impress.

  • OMANBA 10 years ago

    Thanks Joe!!!.It appears as if the writer is presenting a paper to a group of academics for discussion and evaluation.He has forgotten that he is writing to readers most of whom are not well educated enough to grasp anything ...
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  • king 10 years ago

    Please,stop showing off and come down to earth.


    The first most important step towards the decolonization of African minds is for Africans to realize and accept that they are not inferior human beings and to refuse to be treated as such by other races,especially the Caucasi ...
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  • Kwame 10 years ago

    A DNA test on the descendants of Abram Petrovich Hannibal has established that he was from Cameron in West Africa. Abram Petrovich Hannibal got to the position of the second in command of the Russian army.

  • Kojo T 10 years ago

    We need to just believe in ourselves and so act on it. How many whites are inventors but they have used those to colonize us. Let these writings be used to liberate us

  • papa ansah 10 years ago

    Thanks you for such a good piece of work. This is exactly what we need as africans. Our minds has been too westernized and if one does not act as such, u deem a village. My problem with your nice article is the words could ha ...
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  • NON-ALIGNED 10 years ago

    Francis, another good article but, the AFROPEANS will NOT get it or even more,.........accept it.

    Our colonialist education system has, and is 'MIS-EDUCATING US' (if there is such a word but,....hey! I'm not English).

    - ...
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  • dani 10 years ago

    1. Marcus Garvey 2. Kwame Nkrumah 3. Sekou Toure 3. Robert Mugabe 4. Nelson Mandela 5. Malcolm X 5. Amilcar Cabral 6. Thomas Sankara 7. Julius Nyerere 8. Kenneth Kaunda. 9. Samora Macheal 10. Gen. Muritala Mohammed.

  • NON-ALIGNED 10 years ago

    Dani, thanks a lot for your brilliant contribution. If we introduce and learn about the achievements of our great leader.........instead of Shakepeare, Charles Dickens etc. We will be way ahead of our current situation.

    I ...
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  • francis kwarteng 10 years ago


    Brilliant contributions. I have read all your soureces, and if you care to know, I even included some of them in my other articles. These are the histories we must be studying, and not Greek this, Greek that.
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  • dennis awah 10 years ago

    interesting article kwarteng, but too much big words and too much repetition of claims like he is black, he was black etc. simply listing the various characters or persons and their achievements etc in a simple table or bul ...
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  • Asiwome 10 years ago

    I wonder what defined Afrocentric(collective experience) four hundred years ago. By the way, I don't like brain work, "the nature of analytic generalizations is such that it sometimes, if not most of the time, makes precise c ...
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  • ISIS 10 years ago

    I think our priority is not to worry about how afrocentric or non-afrocentric we are but rather that we cultivate an interest in reading all literature published or unpublished written by Africans since the 18th century for e ...
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