
Kwadwo Asamoah disappointed at violent scenes by Eq. Guinea fans

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  • Manny 9 years ago


  • Adanko 9 years ago

    This is typical example of NDC foot soldiers. A clear example occurred when NDC stood and prevented all register in one constituency in Accra.

  • KWASI APONKYE 9 years ago


  • Amoako 9 years ago

    Very disgusting n barbaric scene

  • BOB 9 years ago

    Ghana continues to get this treatment because we respect human rights, Just wait and see when we beat Ivory Coast, they will try the same shit on Ghanaian residents in their country

  • Bonsu 9 years ago

    Don't get it wrong my friend.It is just a football match but if the Ivorians want to take it out of the stadium they must understand that our days of turning the other cheek is over.Anything happens to Ghanaians dwelling in t ...
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  • Son of Man 9 years ago

    Please my People don't be surprised about what happened in Equatoria Guinea it happens all the time in every African country apart from Ghana. We are very caring and civilized nation in the world, despite of our economic prob ...
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  • Paa Nii Bongo 9 years ago

    Kwadwo Asamoah,, well done for congratulating the stars. Please tell muntari and Essien to follow your example and tweet something good about the black stars. Their silence is very loud.

  • Kwadaso 9 years ago

    We have forged on but it is never the same. Get well soon

  • oppong isaac 9 years ago

    This is absolutely an act if barbalism in this 21st century