
Dumsor explained

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  • ugly akufo addo 9 years ago

    she confessed in TGIF that she doesnt know where the father is , thats why her vagina will nt rest , we will fuck her n she cant gt married

  • insight to the bone 9 years ago

    this is what we have being saying all along , this pepeni govt has its anti Akan agenda and has nothing but evil wicked intentions against us

  • Whatever 9 years ago

    The load shedding is a problem so Ghanaweb should not make room for this kind of misinformation and mis-education. I wouldn't mind if this article is a an opinion piece and put in the column but to present this nonsense as th ...
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  • Think 9 years ago

    Sorry I don't get your point. The writer has explained eloquently. I think that if all GH peeps had kept up with their elect bills and not free loaded (some still do illegal connections) and government hadn't subsidised bills ...
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  • Wiseman 9 years ago

    This is total rubbish. It's shocking indeed. Is this woman under some influence? Does she have brains? Why would any government deliberately starve the universities and government owned institutions such as the hospitals powe ...
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  • Think 9 years ago

    Wise man are you commenting on someone else ''s comments or the article?

  • cockroach 9 years ago

    As long as this earth remains there will be tribulations, if there is no dumso. There will be ebola. If there is no ebola there is aids. Xenophobia. Earth tremour in Nepa, sicknesses. accidents etc. But we thank God he has al ...
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  • Walantu walansa 9 years ago

    Ease you Dumsor sufferings by acquiring some of our affordable and movable solar products. Lanterns and AC or Mini DC Solar generators. Light light light for all. Call Proera Enterprise and be proactive call 050256130

  • John mahama 9 years ago

    Your conclusion is as worse as the dumsor, you made mention of debts owed ECGand VRA, why didn't you add that the failure on the part of government caused the problem and that if government pays it's debt, this could have ste ...
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  • Think 9 years ago

    Massa everyone owes in the electricity distribution value chain Including Govt. Stop being holyier than thou. The question should be why the debts? Just as public purses are said to have been looted so can the same be said of ...
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  • USMAN 9 years ago

    If you want to know those behind the killing of the two American citizens in Akosombo then read this. According to the story" The two who are leaders of the African American community in Akwamu were recently accused by the Ch ...
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  • Kojo 9 years ago

    Idiot. Your most reasoned accusation is that the AG colluded have the Americans killed? What for?! You are a bleeping IDIOT! Kwasiato!

  • Adinkra a proud Akan. 9 years ago

    Nonsense,Mahama is a wicked man

  • gene 9 years ago

    a very big liars u always tell us deferent stories stupied so call leaders of our land

  • Joe Turkey 9 years ago

    I am not a big fan of the thief Mahama nor his NDC, but this one is complete nonsense. Ghana is suffering from power shortage and every region is going through the same pain. This is type of garbage is what is - most likely - ...
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  • ;;; 9 years ago

    a deliberate attempt to cripple businesses of the opposition who are majorly in the Southern part of Ghana"
    How can govt deliberately target the South becos of the oppossition? If you talked of the TWO REGIONS Nana won that ...
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  • Think 9 years ago

    Can you not see the article''s author voiced out someone else's sentiments?

  • EZEKIEL 9 years ago

    This MP is a SAD EXAMPLE of how IDIOTS are sent to parliament!! So you mean" NPP business areas" are selected to suffer erratic power supply !!!!!
    A DOG of an MP .

  • Benedict Gatu Bello 9 years ago

    This is rather unfortunate for confused but empty barrel politicians to think that the so called nicknamed for the power crises does not affect certain political entity. How can people engage in this type of nonsensical b ...
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  • Benedict Gatu Bello 9 years ago

    Tribal politicians who identifies problems but don't have the know-how solutions to them, they want to come to power by any means.

  • BOY KOFI 9 years ago

    Who is going to win with dumso?Thank you.


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  • Think 9 years ago

    The writer stated someone else's thought. That MPs reasoning was outlandish

  • EZEKIEL 9 years ago

    This MP is a SAD EXAMPLE of how IDIOTS are sent to parliament!! So you mean" NPP business areas" are selected to suffer erratic power supply !!!!!
    A DOG of an MP .

  • Masa Musa 9 years ago

    After reading this piece, I was left wondering the what sources backed the pretty interesting allegations made by the author. I therefore conducted a web search for the author in order to come to some understanding of her pos ...
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  • Stoway 9 years ago

    Ablekumah West should vote this ignorant MP out! What an infantile reasoning.

  • samabia 9 years ago

    do you need electricity to buy and sell. we thought you had factories instead of those small stalls you call businesses

  • Akwesi 9 years ago

    Stupid article

  • kizzy 9 years ago

    stupid. wen will u stop deceiving Ghanaians about dumsor wen u people are not doing anything to solve the situation. NDC government may God punish u even in 1000years coming for making Ghanaians pass through this crisis

  • kweks 9 years ago

    Utter gabage talk and explanation. Ghanaweb you dont have to disrespect our patronage of your forum by posting just anything.