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Hope they listen to this piece
Well written article. Keep it up and bless you
Oh Poor Ghana Is Being Cut Up Into Bits Like Konkonte Being Sold On The Market By Ndc Govt Whilst Ghanaians Look On Sheepishly.......Ide Biiii Kekekeeeee .......STEALING AND THIEVERY GALORE EVERYWHERE ....YET NORTHERNERS AND ...
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Without Any Conscience, Ndc Is Daily Exploiting The Gullibility And Illiteracy Of The Poor And Unsuspecting Voters In Their Strongholds To Perpetrate Evil, Real Evil, On Ghanaians And We All Sit And And Look On Unconcerned A ...
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A herd of cows and two bulls are eating grass out in the pasture.
Suddenly, a great gust of wind comes ripping across the prairie and knocks all the cows to the ground. But, the bulls just sway in the wind and continue eatin ...
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Hope all is well with you.I will talk to you soon Else enjoy the Christmas. Happy holidays
Prince willy, you have been missing. For some time now, I hardly read your comical yet educative comments
This writer is a big f++l to allow herself to be f++led by the NDC.The article is so boring and horrible that i stopped reading after a few sentences.A gov`t that prides itself in building JSS and SSS in the 21st century is m ...
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Mbo na ka Ewuraba Maggie
I always enjoy this lady's articles. Has the NPP got anything to say ?? Keep it up Maggie and thanks.
Hello "sweetheart" Maggie Jackson,I cherish your "love letters"especially the one exposing the corrupt inclinations of Freddie Blay during his student days at Legon
President Mahama must always come out to get some work for the npp boys to do. They need to hold a lot of press conferences and insult the Sunyani chiefs.
Are you people aware of dumsor, free-fall of the cedi making doing business in Ghana extremely expensive, corruption, unemployment of the youth, collapse of business, etc. Ghana is no longer credit worthy because our credit c ...
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The problem with you Margaret Jackson( if that's your true identity),and others like Bokor, Ahowofe Okuampa,Adofo Rocks on and some more which space won't allow me to name,if care is not taken,can throw our already struggling ...
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