
Interior Minister falsely accuse Capt Koda, breaches his rights

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  • Abdul Jalil Tamale 8 years ago

    Government most recruit police personal for the election 2016

  • True Talk 8 years ago

    If Capt Koda is a fugitive, then the Hon Minister for Interior is not doing his job. He should stop exposing his ignorance, by making such ridiculous statements.

  • abu 8 years ago

    Guess you were born after the 1979 military uprising that gave birth to the AFRC regime.

  • sir b 8 years ago

    stop this noise bcos it won't reach anywhere. just accept the reality.this your so called grammar will only be read.but it wont be taking to consideration.

  • abu 8 years ago

    Probably the autor of this article was born after the 1979 military Led coup and the sentencing of ex captain Koda to a long prison term for extortion, and the subsequent jail break in connivance with some elements of the d ...
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  • Great man 8 years ago

    If you lived at that time and were ioff discerning age you would knlw that rawlings and his pimp Riyadh extorted money from people and collapsed their businesses. Gyimi fo