
Mahama must not pardon Montie 3 - O.B. Amoah

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  • Bernard 8 years ago

    Do you want to lose weight faster? 0572174551
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  • OLD SOLDIER 8 years ago

    Author:- King Adjei .....
    Only senseless people will appeal to the President ,to defy our SUPREME COURT to free Criminals. President Mahama will not and can not free Criminals to dent his credibility ,by encouraging more da ...
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  • SIMON PETER 8 years ago

    The Supreme Court judges were the first to break the law. They made a law on the NHIS registrants, and for the law they made to look backwards' take retroactive effect. O.B. Amoah who is a legislator was one of the lawmakers ...
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  • Concerned 8 years ago

    The supreme court didn't make any law regarding the nhis ruling it merely interpreted the law.As the use of nhis cards wasn't legal in the first place people who used it to register were not legally registered but were given ...
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  • SIMON PETER 8 years ago

    Concerned, can you quote from the 1992 constitution or any other law which states that NHIS cards cannot be used for voter registration?. Which law in the constitution was the Supreme Court Judges therefore interpreting?. Th ...
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  • OLD SOLDIER 8 years ago

    Author:- Mahmoud .....
    Mahama does not have what it takes to fix the economy of Ghana, partly because of his being an incompetent and corrupt Mills' driver mate surplus eater. Mahama has never been a presidential material a ...
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  • WISE UP 8 years ago

    See the one who thinks he knows better. Who told u the NHIS was illegal in the 1st place. Those who registered with NHIS did it legally. EC is also an independent state institution & shd hv bn left to do its mandated task wit ...
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  • concerned ghanaian 8 years ago

    Thank God there are still some truthful Ghanaians.

    I believe that our judiciary will most likely be the source of instability in the country because of their alignment to one political party.

  • Nana forbi 8 years ago


  • Speedy Gonzalez 8 years ago

    I believe the President has a brain of his own so people should stop telling him what he must do and must not do.Most of these individuals have failed in their homes and communities yet they have the audacity to advise the pr ...
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  • james balogun 8 years ago

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  • Joseph Kingsley Annan 8 years ago

    The President has to respect the Judicial Independence and he should'nt interfer with Judicial.
    He may grant them pardon when he is leaving office or pardon them when they finished their sentences to delete their criminal re ...
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  • concerned ghanaian 8 years ago

    The President has not said or done anything that has undermined the independence of the Judiciary.

    AS head of state, he has been insulted, instructed and undermined by the opposition and now with the open connivance of the ...
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  • Yussif 8 years ago

    Let those who ve ears hear this,this boys said among other things that this time if anybody is arrested by the BNI and even report sick in custody,they should allow the person to die there because Victor Solome died in prison ...
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  • Araba Thompson 8 years ago

    Npp must stop discussing montie 3, it helps ndc to avoid important questions on;
    1) rocketing unemployment
    2) dummmmmmmmmsor
    3) corruption and tall list of judgement debt
    4) high food price
    5) increased rate of crime. A ...
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  • Kwame Dapaa 8 years ago

    Foolish ob amoah should leave Mahama and NDC alone. How many votes du u have O.B?Have u ever voted for NDC beffore? kwasea kwasea gyimii fool. He will pardon them in no uncertain terms. Mmoa mma

  • Ojaay 8 years ago

    OB think of yourself,you are going to loose your seat this time to a woman.

  • Truthcrusader 8 years ago

    Every ninconpoop now commands mahama.

  • God is watching 8 years ago

    Ooooonye bulooo

  • DOG BEATER 8 years ago

    OB don't waste your time.Your npp advice is worthless to Mahama. You should have said so when sakande the npp convict was being pardoned at npps request. All of the npps can chant together and still it shall be done. I see th ...
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    The Montie 3 brigands are in a unique position to leave a lasting legacy in Africa if they truly show remorse, renounce and reform from that violent, raping, killing, insulting, incitement to chaos, anarchy, mayhem, murder, g ...
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  • Sam Abbey 8 years ago

    Shut up there. U took some of Woyome's money.

  • Yaw 8 years ago

    Thank God you are not the president of Ghana and I do not think President Mahama will listen to you. Did you make same comments when your former party general secretary was hauled before the supreme court? Those who call for ...
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  • CHE 8 years ago

    JDM will tilt the elections to Akufo Addo if he pardons the Montie 3. The 2016 Ghana elections will be determined by independent voters who are mostly educated, middle class people who analyse issues dispassionately. A pardon ...
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  • Nii Okai 8 years ago

    O B Amoah thinks people are not aware of the game he and Osafo Marfo played together with Woyome to cheat Ghana via their connection with Woyome to rob Ghana even though they never appeared in the open to be known of their sm ...
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  • NOBODY 8 years ago

    " If you read the ruling…the court is saying that our main focus is to protect the state, protect the judiciary, to ensure law and order because what has happened is an affront to our democracy. …These people [contemnors] ...
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  • The Frogman 8 years ago

    Sir John with more serious offence was left left off with a slap on the wrist and you were happy because he was NPP. If there is a God we shall see the reward of wicked and vicious people like you.


    Why is everyone who supports the NPP saying no pardon and those on the government side saying they must be pardon?

  • Sule 8 years ago

    OB, that sounds good of you now. The issue is that the president has the authority to release the guys. But he should not do that due to its repercussions thereafter. This every Ghanaian must know.