
Olympic gold medal insults: Has Mahama achieved legendary fame?

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  • E. A. ADU GYAMFI 8 years ago

    NDC is doing their level best to help Ghana, but it is unfortunate that their tactics are not working. What makes it wrong for them to step down for another party to try their luck? Ghana is sick. We need absolute cure.

  • Joy 8 years ago

    They are fighting hard to stay on because they don't want another president to prosecute them for their corrupt practices.

  • E. A. ADU GYAMFI 8 years ago

    I see. Thanks for revealing the truth to me.

  • Mamachi! 8 years ago

    A nice piece of write-up. Very academic and insightful too.

  • Bernard 8 years ago

    Health is Wealth, Take It Seriously!!!0572174551
    1. Vitolize ingredients of an highly effective herbal blend which is including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to help preserve regular urinary flow, support optimal pros ...
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  • Araba Thompson 8 years ago

    Allotey Jacobs must be investigated. How on earth can you say that its only 4 people who knew that Mills sickness. Pls it was common knowledge that mills was sick. To the extent that his only child and son was not aware, his ...
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  • JK 8 years ago

    Any link with this article?

  • Meshack 8 years ago

    This President must be told that his office does not confer on him the right to be sense of decency. His utterances are just a reflection of the state of his brain...dysfunctional...a leader of the party of iNDeCe ...
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  • ONYAME NIPA(Man Of God)USA 8 years ago


  • oinelli 8 years ago

    "...we must not and cannot keep a President who is fond of ‘talking plenty and delivering less’; we rather need a President who would ‘walk the talk’" - and I must add, never one who cannot even WALK without a SUSPENS ...
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  • Idiot Contemnor Mugabe 8 years ago

    The mature and visionary JDM? You are having a laugh I think.

  • Pat 8 years ago

    Mahama is useless

  • Sam 8 years ago

    I presume Lee K Yew, Felix H Boigny and Nkrumah were right in advocating one party state because anybody who disagree the NPP and their icon [the US republican party} is considered an idiot. The author of article did not get ...
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  • Idiot Contemnor Mugabe 8 years ago

    May be the author was not born when Mrs Thatcher used the word 'balony'.

  • Dessie 8 years ago

    Meaningless and unnecessary ertheric

  • Paa Nii - Teshie 8 years ago

    Why can’t NDC members spell? It’s spelt ENTERIC not ERTHERIC and if you feel that the piece was enteric, then go back and read it. In fact, don’t bother, judging by your inability to spell, you can read the piece a thou ...
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  • Mmensah 8 years ago

    We cannot also forget about people like Hanna Bissiuw who insulted Nana Addo and now a mimister,Asiedu Nketsia who called NPP Presidential contestans 17 thiefs and mow head of his campaign,Kobby acheampong have insulted Sir J ...
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  • Mmensah 8 years ago

    Has John Mahama forgotten the insults his people threw at men of God who spoke their mind.Once upon a time the NDC had to apologise to the Pesby church for the same utterances from their members.NO WONDER HE THINKS THAT GHAN ...
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  • Pat 8 years ago

    Short memory


    A man is out shopping and discovers a new brand of Olympic condoms. Clearly impressed, he buys a pack. Upon getting home he announces to his wife the purchase he just made.

    "Olympic condoms?" she asks, "What makes them so ...
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  • Idiot Contemnor Mugabe 8 years ago

    Who is this man? Asiedu Nketsia? Mahama? Anidoho? Adams? Portophy? Ampofo? Or who?

  • change is coming 8 years ago

    de NDC never respects disabled in society. mahama specifically likes to insult the blind and the lame. remember he told greenstreet is suffering from incurable myopia after Sam George de pig told greenstreet because he is in ...
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  • Andrew Riley 8 years ago

    It clear that NDC insult and they have achieved medal already. Three goals and one bronze for Vada pole. He swims good in insult. Nothing is working Mahama. Why don't you step down. You will sell Ghana before you leave. Shame ...
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  • Mr Bond 8 years ago

    The demeanour of our president prove that he is truly moron and imbecile.

  • Ford 8 years ago

    Unfortunately, Ghana has a fool for a president.