
Woyome should have just paid our money immediately – Kofi Bentil

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  • BB 7 years ago


  • PRINCE KWASI ADADE (OFIE P33) 7 years ago

    WE WILL JUBILATE IN JUBILEE HOUSE!!!!!!! AUTHOR: YAKUBU ----- abgenaaaaa --- 2016 victory célébrations in December will be more massive than in 2000 when the NDC thieves were removed...this time it will be spectacular!!!!! ...
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  • RED 7 years ago


  • Mahamoud 7 years ago

    Those in charge of the affairs of the State have corruptly refused to do their job on behalf of Ghana and Ghanaians. Otherwise, this fraudster called Woyome would've been languishing in jail long ago and the money paid with i ...
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  • obi 7 years ago

    its AG that is playing with him, just give him command to bring back our money or he pays and again be jailed for taking an lawfully money he didnt work for

  • Odikro 7 years ago

    When money comes cheap, no one takes care of it rationally.

  • CORNEY 7 years ago

    Another useless and clueless Bentil who always open his mouth before he thinks,this foolish guy few months ago said when people finished voting they should remain at the polling stations to monitor the election and just after ...
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  • kofi agbota 7 years ago

    useless lawyer working for npp. fool

  • Kaakie 7 years ago

    Exactly!. He tot he cn go freely. Whn ppl cnt get 3 square meal a day. Graduates sittin home jobless. That money cn b used t open a fatory t employ sme ppl. Den gradually unemployment wil b wiped off. He wnts t enjoy it alone ...
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  • Kofi 7 years ago

    Create loot and share. From ndc to Betty mould, Barton oduro finance officers etc plus boasting. Mahama knows about it. Wayome name them and be free.

  • Al 7 years ago

    NDC and its cronies assured Woyome of safe haven, so he thought he could play hide and seek and"sit on the money" As NDC financier, the party needed the money for the 2016 elections

  • Kweku 7 years ago

    If the NDC has nothing to hide, then why are they so worried about Mr Martin Amidu's interrogation at the Supreme Court.

  • Peniz Chopper 7 years ago

    How much will Martin Amidu retrieve by questioning Woyome? What is the the nation's ROI on this investment of the nations productive time and other resources?

    I want Woyome to pay the money back but this circus cooked up i ...
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  • GhanaBa1 7 years ago

    compare prices in Ghana for mobile phones, TVs, shoes, fridges, furniture, clothes, generators, iron

  • ZACH 7 years ago

    If they have jailed Woyome,I bet you Mahama would have released him,just as he did with Montie 3.

  • Mankwadze 7 years ago

    Massa YOU ARE CORRECT 500%. Mahama has the power to control what is happening in his government but chooses to ignore them for political expediency. When it suits him he acts. No wonder he is blamed for the bad deeds of his p ...
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  • Johnson 7 years ago

    Npp gave 3% of Ghana's oil to cronies Owusu and gang I.e the EO Group. This is hundreds of millions of dollars. This is the biggest corruption ever in Ghana. Google and check

  • Mankwadze 7 years ago

    Only 3% ?? It had to take K4 to get investors to get oil production to the level it is today. Rawlins and his cohort had 20 years to do that but fail. Instead, 'THERE WAS NOTHING IN THE STATE COFFERS' when they were voted out ...
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  • Kwame A+ 7 years ago