
Did angels really come down from heaven to vote for Akufo-Addo?

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  • ONIPANUA 7 years ago

    NPP hacked the EC computers and rigged the elections.All the facts will come out soon.Thieves and nation wreckers.

  • kk 7 years ago

    With the EC reverting to the manual calculation, the NDC is still crying. No wonder they are crying because they were denied the opportunities to rig the election through the electronic system. Listen to the advice of Papa J

  • ADJOA WANGARA 7 years ago

    Read one of Kwarteng's tautological paragraphs (from his paragraph 4).

    What Kwarteng is not aware of is that, just "cutting and pasting" any nonsense anyhow is very easy for even fools of his kind...but the import (sense) ...
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  • happy 7 years ago

    kawarteng is more senseible than you

  • ADJOA WANGARA 7 years ago

    If you idiot wants to will need to do so in a proper English grammatic and not just any shit like kwarteng use to write, OK!

    2017-01-08 10:06:46
    C ...
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  • THEREALTRUTH 7 years ago

    Idiot if you want to will need to do so in proper grammatical English and not just an ...
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  • AUTHENTIC C.Y. ANDY-K 7 years ago

    What a moron! Plain idiot who repeats same thing all the time. You can't tie the show laces of Francis.

    Now, if you want evidence of cut and paste and plagiarism, go and look for it in Akufo-Addo's recent inauguration spe ...
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  • Kwasi Asante RI USA 7 years ago

    President Akuffo Addo's plagiarism is bad. The President could be excused but not the writer. Obviously the President relied on a speech writer. My concern to the speech writer is that, almost all the best part of the speech ...
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  • C.Y. ANDY-Kwawukume 7 years ago

    Andy-K, explain in Ewe what you mean by "You can't tie show laces of Francis" ...what is show laces? (a new Ewe English or something?)

    2017-01-08 16:37:25
    Comment to:
    READ Mr. ...
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  • aikins (mission accomplished) 7 years ago

    No wonder you fools were supporting useless mahama the ex president with 58 years and one term when 72 years man has taken over and going two terms by the grace of GOD.

  • Senior 7 years ago

    U are very stupid OK, it we no like what u like s OK, Nonsense,

  • AUTHENTIC C.Y. ANDY-K 7 years ago

    Nyebro Yaw,

    Thanks for devoting your precious time to add to the denunciation of these charlatan snake oil sellers now parading with the Bible as prophets and what not.

    I have almost given up on expecting a change in t ...
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  • Dr. J.K. Bokor 7 years ago

    Andy-K, I am afraid. you have also started writing bogus English like your bosom friend Francis Kwarteng.

    Read over the crap you have written.


    D ...
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  • Francis kwarteng 7 years ago

    Thanks Nyebro Yao.

    The TB Joshuas, the Owusu Bempahs....are all fake.

    We don't need them in our politics.

    Have a great weekend.

  • faddo 7 years ago

    Mr, can NPP rig on the pink sheet? Didn't the EC collate the pink sheets and calculated them manually? Let's be serious here and move forward. Enough of these cheap talks

  • happy 7 years ago

    l was waiting for this news long time, l know they huck it

  • Mother Ghana is weeping 7 years ago

    Upon all the stealing and last minute falsifying of documents,by an insensitive Govt who spoke to anybody by heart,you must be day dreaming to think that Mahama won this election.Wait and see better and disciplined Government ...
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  • Simpayi Ba 7 years ago

    All these men of God are in for the money nothing to do with spiritual empowerment.
    Take the money out tomorrow and all churches and fake prophets would be gone ditto.

  • Concience 7 years ago


  • Kwaku duah 7 years ago

    Great piece of comparison and sound logic. I like the entire part 1 and can't wait for part 2 . I hope and pray that Akuffo Addy willl continue his fellowship of his faith in God at ridge church and not surround himself with ...
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  • Battle of amoaful 7 years ago


  • CHE 7 years ago

    In the face of human suffering caused largely by the rape of our resources by the ruling elite, the teeming Ghanaian masses are being fed with the religious "kool aid" as a salve to soothe their pains.If we use the cerebral m ...
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  • Nii Teiko 7 years ago

    Does God really knows what is ot the minds of all His supposed creation? If the answer is positive, then He is the source and the base of all evils in this world. For instance, why did God create an Angel in heaven called Lu ...
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  • Adjei-Boateng 7 years ago

    Ghana has become a market place for these bogus priests and their disturbing professies. These crooks from mainly Nigeria, know how Ghanaians get taken by everything preached from the so called 'word of God ' . Ghanaians go t ...
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  • Mr Bond 7 years ago

    What an idiot.President thief John Dramani Mahama was the president when we have open shit because he halt all Kufour construction shit places.All the vice happen under Mahama rule.what a fool you are?So thief Mahama waste ou ...
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  • Koojo VI 7 years ago

    That guy is damn ignorant fool. Oh you would want to think for God right?

  • JAK 7 years ago

    Who talked for Dr. Omane Boama during the campaign. Angel/God pushed Dr. and talked through him to say vote Elephant for progress. This is very expensive mistake and do not blame Dr. OB for the talk. He did not talk but God t ...
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  • omanba 7 years ago

    The charismatic churches are dens for rogues and thieves who are using the Bible to cover their evil deeds.The day is coming when Jesus will tell them'i know you not' and he will dump them in Gehenna[the everlasting fire]

  • BEN ASARE 7 years ago

    Why will people listin to madmen like Owusu Bempa How can Mahama be in hell before he dies? My prayer is that Mr Akuffo Addo should not listern to people like this otherwise he will not be able to accomplish anything in his p ...
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  • rkt 7 years ago

    not so harsh, bro. your questions are too weighty to be answered by ob or anybody else. ob is obviously on cloud nine, his preferred party having won the elections. pse borrow nykar's kid gloves so u can deal more leniently w ...
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  • Hateful Goon 7 years ago

    Stop writing nonsense and grow up. You are quite stupid to refer to Akuffo Addo and peddle lies. You are a sonofabitch. Abowa fun

  • Koo 7 years ago

    Owusu Bempah thrives on the attention he gets from his silly utterances.

    Perhaps Kwarteng should have ignored him too instead of spending time to write an article on him.

    One of our biggest problems now is this supers ...
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  • Prof Lungu 7 years ago



    To use Francis Kwarteng's own word, in part, everything they say is a tithing-canard, toli, meant to scare people, especially and most painfully women, so they will separate themselves from their ...
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  • C.Y. ANDY-Kwawukume 7 years ago

    Sorry! but, Prof. Lungu, your comment is a bad-taste in both grammatical and sense making. In other words, your grammar is poor, besides your entire comment attacking Owusu Bempah is haed to comprehend, if you like, it lacks ...
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  • Navas 7 years ago

    I like your argument but disagree with where you said churches have become den of thieves.The same way we have charlatans we still have very good and genuine ppl in the church.

  • adomakoh froboo 7 years ago

    Cool down,Mr Columnist. There is no need to go gaga on these so called prophets. Ghana is dying and so people are desperate for any hope, just any hope,to try and survive

  • Kenneth 7 years ago

    Yes, angels did vote in the December 7 elections. If you feel it was rigged, go for your own pink sheets and collate the results and finally go to court to challenge.

  • kwame peter 7 years ago

    Andy, Mr English lecturer, it's hard not haed . Hahaha

  • Nkansah 7 years ago

    These are kind words from a good heart..
    .. am keen for the part 2

  • faddo 7 years ago

    People, let us not follow others to sin. The man calls himself a man of God. If it is true that God really revealed these things to him, then it means that u have insulted God, and not the man. Let's be careful.
    When u read ...
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  • Xtra 7 years ago

    Are u really serious? He isn't a man of God, period! For u to assert that god is insulted cos only u & other ignoramuses believe this fake pastor is the bigger insult. Speak to God for wisdom yourself. Who the fuck is the Owu ...
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  • BERNARD 7 years ago

    Do you want to lose weight faster?
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    Wondering how ...
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  • Dary Joe 7 years ago

    As matured people of this country let's be careful about comments we make sometimes.Bible says, touch not my anointing and do my prophet no harm.If is God who spoke through him or not let reserve our comments against him is o ...
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  • Ben 7 years ago

    Please take your big big grammar to mall if it could buy you a rubber spoon.... Do you think putting big words together make you the best? The late prof atta mills, may his soul rest in peace.

  • Damif 7 years ago

    Cant u think far?all this pastors are there but God choose Nana Addo.cos of all what you said that is why God heard the ghanain prayer and decided to change the government so knowing how you ppl are found of rigging then he d ...
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  • EDUFUL OKYNE 7 years ago

    Francis Kwarteng, the principals of wisdom includes the ability to refrain from insult and condemning statements. I hope you are old enough to know and share your emotions, but logical reasoning transcend personal emotional ...
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  • Neu 7 years ago

    This article is not from Kwarteng Francis. It's from Michael Borkor. I know his diction. Bravo! My hero.
    Let's all remember that if a person dies, all his hatred and love is gone. He has nothing to do with the leaving. The ...
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  • Michael,Osu citizen 7 years ago

    Francis you are so retarded. Even in the bible Jonah was swallowed by the whale.Where was God?There were floods in Noah's time,Sodom and Gomorrah was burn down with it's citizens. The presence of calamities does not mean th ...
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  • Christine 7 years ago

    This man never sees good things abt Ghana... smh...sometimes I pity them..seeing God is watching them whilst they misuse his name

  • Rengay 7 years ago

    Stop worrying with this Bempah issues. He wants attention and nothing else

  • NANA BAAH 7 years ago

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  • Olamideasamoah 7 years ago

    The way ndc's too to come to power, it is that same way the NPP also took as we can see them now. Who ever not understand should go to hell. Even these useless ndc's was boasting to have power to rule over Ghana.

  • Ike 7 years ago

    Look Michael Bonkor, or whatever your name is, do not use my prominent Kwateng Francis to write useless unqualified grammar article on public ok.

  • Neu 7 years ago

    Owusu Bempa should know that the dead has nothing to do with the leaving. The dead don't remember anything again. They are asleep and will only wake up at Christ second coming. If a pastor doesn't know this then I wonder what ...
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  • Frederick APPIAH-KUSI 7 years ago

    Please any unnatural death person such as accident, disaster or murder among others without during in their destiny have more to do with physical appearances that is not superstition either read the book 'ANGELS ON ASSIGNMENT ...
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  • Frederick APPIAH-KUSI 7 years ago

    Some intellectuals without virtue, ethics and morality with impunity and disdain of even divine (creator) presume to father ALL KNOWING. Yes when you have 'holy men of God' who fail to be the mouth piece of God, the sharlatan ...
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  • Ghanaba 7 years ago


  • Polus 7 years ago

    Francis, you write as if you don't know what governments are voted for in a country like Ghana. You want OWUSU Bempah to do something about the mirage of problems facing the citizenry while your paymasters enjoy the largess o ...
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  • Zakk Yanem, Zuarungu-under-Nangodi 7 years ago

    Bempah's God should send him to visit Afrifa, Acheampobg and Akuffo so that they tell how they are feeling.Religious street-hawkers indeed.

  • NAANA GYIMAH, ACCRA, GHANA 7 years ago

    Prophet Owusu Bempah is a prophet and prophets receive messages directly from God so his messages to Ghanaians are directly from God. It is better for him to inform Ghanaians about the disasters in future to enable them avoid ...
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  • K kojoaa 7 years ago

    U see ur arguments is such hollow n baseless.... If u belief is u God who makes king then belief also God can send Angels to vote

  • Pops 7 years ago

    God have given men wisdom to take care of themselves and only intervene when He sees Human helpless, so if u sre human and u live in dirt and get cholera instead keepin ur environment clean. Wat do u expect God To do. In fac ...
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  • Kweku 7 years ago

    1. The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing

    2. Blessed is the man who sits NOT in the seat of the scornful

    3. The author displays crass ignorance of Biblical truths and spiritual matters

    4. ...
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  • Mother Ghana is weeping 7 years ago

    I don't think this journalist is a committed Christian.Will not be surprised if he does not pay tithes if he goes to church.The Lord have mercy on him.

  • Agyapa 7 years ago

    Hello Mr. Francis Kwarteng please please this year 2017 all Ghanaians should think positive of our mother land Ghana and we should all pray God to forgive us our sins and lift up and favour our country Ghana. POSITIVE thinkin ...
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  • Jz 7 years ago

    Trust me Owusu Bempa will surely die this year due to his fake prophecies. He is making God angry

  • Kofi.Yeboah 7 years ago

    Ghanaians writers are too known,writing too long pieces, not concise. And the most annoying part of their write-ups is that they use big and technical language too much.

    They write as if to show just their mastery of the l ...
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  • joy b 7 years ago

    You very stupid how do u call ur self,The bible said heavenly wisdom is foolish to worldly wisdom woe to u,so u think u are making sense,what have u done for this homeless children,u open filthy mouth and say anything about m ...
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  • Osonoba 7 years ago

    The charlatan and quack prophets in Ghana should beware of making fake prophecies as their wages will soon be paid. They are veritable prophets of doom. They should give us a break!/ Boys abr3!

  • Monica 7 years ago

    Started apologising so early, sure he would apologise for everything. So shocked. He could have still picked the quotes of the various former US presidents but with little changes. Since there are synonyms for almost ever ...
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  • Kweku. 7 years ago


    Its a good issues of this nature springs up from time to time so some Ghanaians will learn, educated illiteracy i ...
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  • Kweku. 7 years ago

    'It's a good thing' not 'Its a good issues'

  • Nature 7 years ago

    I Believe the writer of this article is as ignorant as Owusu Bempah. Rubbish writing! Foolish tribal scam.

  • KO 7 years ago

    For the living know they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for a memory of them is forgotten. Ecclesiastes 9:5.