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B/A Regional Hospital faces challenge of drugs shortage

Wed, 18 Feb 2015 Source: GNA

The Shortage of drugs was a major challenge in the administration of the Brong-Ahafo Regional Hospital last year.

The situation stemmed from the failure of payments to the facility by the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA), Dr. Jacob Abebrese, Medical Director of the Hospital stated in an interview with the Ghana News Agency on Tuesday, in Sunyani.

He said the NHIA owed the Hospital huge sums of money, saying that, the last payment made to the Hospital was in July 2014, which was woefully inadequate to buy enough drugs.

Dr. Abebrese said the Hospital recorded 149,495 Out Patient Department (OPD) cases in 2014, indicating an increase of 55.1 per cent over 2013, which recorded 96,395 cases.

The Hospital had 16,938 admissions; he said, and explained that 14,205 were discharged whilst 707 died out of various diseases.

Dr Abebrese mentioned that the Hospital had a total of 25,825 top ten cases last year, out of 43,078 diseases received.

He cited the top ten as malaria 5,788, acute ear infections 4,301, acute eye infection 3,636, upper respiratory tract infection 2,588, diarrhoea 2,176 and dental cases 202.

The rest were rheumatism and other joint pains 1,793, skin diseases 1,531, gynaecological conditions 1,010 and acute urinary tract infections 976, the Medical Director added.

Dr Abebrese said the Hospital had financial constrains “as is now depending on its internally-generated fund (IGF), which is also not enough to cater for accommodation, maintenances and other expenses.”

He said despite the numerous challenges, the Hospital was able to achieve success last year by delivering quality health services to the general public.

Dr Abebrese commended the staff for their commitment and dedication in saving lives under such difficult conditions.

Source: GNA