
Comment: How safe are the soft and hard drinks we buy?

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Thu, 6 Nov 2014 Source: Priscilla Agnes Gadogbe

It is strange and incomprehensible that the Standards Authority and the Food and Drugs Authority continue to look on unconcerned whiles traders and hawkers sell beer, juice, carbonated drinks as well as wine and spirits in the open under the scorching sun whiles such products have approved temperatures at which they ought to be stored or preserved to prevent contamination and poisoning.

For a while, it was just the soft drinks but recently the hawkers have upped their game such that the miscreants are now selling Club beer, Star beer and Guinness to the unsuspecting public without fear and care.

Why on earth should beer and other beverages be allowed to warm up under the sun before being chilled for drinking?

Why is it that the regulatory agencies tasked to protect our health look on unconcerned?

Is it that they are unaware and if so what happened to monitoring and surveillance?

What are the breweries also doing to quell this negative practice which could lead to court cases should one drink any of their beverages and develop complications?

The drinking public better be aware of these serious violations and be guarded lest people buy death for themselves.

Source: Priscilla Agnes Gadogbe