
Dep. Minister advises health scheme managers

Sun, 7 May 2006 Source: GNA

Hans Cottage(C/R), May 7, GNA -The Deputy Central Regional Minister, and Acting Municipal Chief Executive for Cape Coast, Nana Ato Arthur has called for the establishment of a strong rappour between health insurance scheme managers and District Chief Executives in the region. Such mutual relationship, he said was essential for effective implementation of the various district, municipal and Metropolitan Health Insurance Scheme.

It would also serve as a propeller for the acceleration, attainment of the objective of the National Insurance Policy.

Nana Ato Arthur was addressing 60 mutual health insurance officials drawn from the 12 districts in the Central Region at a DANIDA sponsored workshop, which took place Hans Cottage near Cape Coast. The week-long training programme was aimed at equipping the participants, including scheme mangers, accountants, claims administrators and public relation officers with general and financial management guidelines, community entry skills, and general business planning.

It also afforded the participants the opportunity to share useful ideas and experiences required for the promotion of the new health delivery system at all levels.

Nana Ato Arthur reminded implementers of district, municipal and metropolitan health insurance schemes that since the policy was adopted by government for the people, they cannot operate in an isolation. He therefore advised them to foster closer links with their District Chief Executives so that collectively, they could adopt the right strategy at the right time for the implementation of their respective schemes.

The Acting Municipal Chief Executive charged District Chief Executives in the region to pay regular visit to health insurance offices to acquaint themselves with problems militating against the smooth implementation of the scheme and help provide lasting solutions. Nana Ato Arthur commended DANIDA for organizing the workshop and advised participants to make good use of the knowledge and skills acquired to enhance the operations of their district schemes. Mrs Peace Judith George, DANIDA Representative said the course was DANIDA's contribution towards efficient and effective implementation of the National Health Insurance Policy.

She announced DANIDA's plans to offer similar training for board chairmen of the schemes to enable them to perform more creditably. Dr Andreas Grub, National Administrator of the Network of |Mutual Health Organisation of Ghana (Gnemoh) praised participants for their enthusiasm and commitment towards the success, of the programme and hoped that they would use the skills acquired to promote their work in their respective communities.

He commended the level of co-operation and useful contributions they made during the course. Miss Heley K. Dzikunu, Senior Programme Advisor of DANIDA Health Sector Support Office told participants to regard the training offered them as a golden opportunity and should therefore, apply all they learnt to proper use both at the office and in the field. The participants expressed their appreciation to the organizer and promised that they would utilise the knowledge and skills acquired to impact positively on the people of the region to help achieve the goals of the health insurance policy. 07 May 06

Source: GNA