
Don't buy Exeter corned beef from Argentina - FDA

FDA Ghana

Fri, 30 May 2014 Source: The Herald

The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has cautioned the general public against the patronage of Exeter Corned Beef, purported to be manufactured in Argentina.

The FDA says it “has reliably been informed that the Manufacturing Plant of Exeter Corned Beef in Argentina has been shut down for some time now and that the product is now being manufactured in Brazil".

The FDA sounded the alarm in a press statement signed by its Chief Executive Officer (CKO), Hudu Mogtari.

Despite this development, some persons are still importing Exeter Corned Beef indicating the country manufactured to be Argentina.

“The public is, therefore, being cautioned against the patronage of Exeter Corned Beef purported to be manufactured in Argentina since the FDA cannot guarantee its safety”.

The statement said, “Consumers of Exeter Corned Beef are advised to patronize only the ones from Brazil; which the FDA has approved currently”

The FDA further advises that report should be made to any FDA office nationwide or the police on any shop or persons found distributing or selling Exeter Corned Beef purported to be manufactured in Argentina.

Furthermore, the general public is being assured of FDA’s readiness to ensure public health and safety at all times and, therefore, appeals to the general public to give any information on persons suspected to be engaged in any practice which has the possibility of endangering public health and safety, through any of the following contacts: 0244337235, 0244337243, 0244337249, 0244563764 or 0244337251.

Source: The Herald