
FDA warns against consumption of Mixed Fever Tonic

Mixed Fever Tonic

Sat, 6 Jul 2013 Source: joyonline

The Food and Drugs Authority is warning the public against the purchase and consumption of a drug, Mixed Fever Tonic.

The product, which is not registered by the Authority, is marketed as treatment for typhoid fever, waste pains amongst other ailment.

Ashanti Regional Head of the FDA, Vigil Eshun says Mixed Fever Tonic which is sold as herbal medicine, is, in fact, a concoction of orthodox medicines.

According to him, a team of investigators moved to locate the manufacturer, following complaints by consumers of aggravated ailments after taking the medicine.

Some victims suffered severe fever and in some instances miscarriage of their pregnancies after taking the medicine.

A middle aged woman has so far been apprehended by the FDA for manufacturing the products in her bedroom.

Mr Eshun says anyone who has purchased Mixed Fever Tonic should desist from consuming the product.

Source: joyonline