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Family Planning acceptor rate still low in Sekondi-Takoradi

Sat, 31 Jan 2015 Source: GNA

Though the use of birth control techniques (contraceptives) seems to be having roots in the Ghanaian society, residents of the Sekondi/Takoradi Metropolis are yet to rise up to the new vogue.

The use and awareness creation of contraceptives is aimed at improving the lives of women and ending maternal mortality since contraceptives allowed the woman to plan and space child birth.

Surprisingly, the twin-city in the Western Region continues to record low acceptor rate in terms of the use of contraceptives regardless of the fishing and farming activities.

Ms. Joyce Bagina, Metropolitan Health Director of the STMA, told the GNA that acceptor rate was only 10 percent.

She said for over five years, the STMA continued to record low figures in terms of FP usage among women and men.

Ghana Health Service says the government is spending $3 million between 2012 and 2015 for the procurement of contraceptives to fight maternal deaths and other health related issues among expectants mothers.

A survey on some women’s views on FP showed that people still had misconceptions about FP.

Whiles some women argued that the use of FP methods had increased their weights, lost the feeling for sex or exposed them to disease, others lauded the FP methods and said it had given them freedom to plan their lives.

Source: GNA